I'm crying right now!!😭😭


I'm crying right now!!😭😭

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you should not be crying because you do deserve to live and all of us believe in you
I know this was a while ago but it never hurts to hear kind words:) don't ever believe that you are less than what you are because someone says "you don't deserve to live" or "the world would be better without you" or anything bad they say! none of it is true! Bullies are only mean because 1. they are jealous of you, 2. they are trying to make themselves look/feel better by putting you down, or 3. they were hurt and feel the need to hurt someone else!
but you are beautiful, amazing, talented, kind individual and the world would become a little darker of a place without your light. remember that always and never let anyone tell you different or bring your spirits down. the bullies are only saying that to bring you down so you can't let them succeed! you are stronger and smarter than them so be aware of that and don't let them bring down your self confidence. you are perfect just the way you are:)