Collage by spideyx


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i saw that you were sad today, and I was worried :( and even though I don’t know the cause of you being sad I wanted to help
and I know you really like my doodles, they make you feel special so I drew a very very special one ❤️
since you love grapes and I love strawberries I made me, you, and our kids fruit at a grocery store!
it took me such a long time 😅
but I think it was worth it :) I wanted you to wake up to something that would make you smile 🥰
i wanted to give every child a different drawing to show their own personality! I don’t know if it’s obvious but I wanted to say that ❤️
and i labeled who was who so you know :)
and i used fruit puns.. 😂
i also made the seeds of the strawberry my freckles too 🥰
I know you may be having a hard time so, I wanted to try and do something to help, even if it makes you smile for a moment, it shows that I’m here and that I will try to find a way to help :)
i hope you enjoy the drawing 🥰
I’ll probably be asleep when you see this butttt always know that I love you ❤️ and that even if I don’t understand your pain or why it’s there I will try to understand or use my best “medicine” which is my doodles :)
haha aw, this is adorable
thank you for this ❤️
i was asleep and i woke up, im still very tired
lmaoo i noticed the puns 😂
what did i do to deserve you 🥺
i love you so much ❤️
how do you come up with the ideas of what to draw?
all of your drawings are different and unique, i’d never think of some of the things you draw
thank you again for the doodle, i love it :)