*cries* ugh!


*cries* ugh!

2 0
Aj what's really wrong tell me I'm here I promise
ik ur here... but cam won't be *hug knees* shoot I'm gonna make myself sick
*rubs your back* it's ok we will get through this together ok i promise you
*tears up* litteretly closest thing I have to a brother
*holds you close* Ik he was the closest thing to me for a brother too it's ok
*cries to clear up my tears* ugh I've got to stop crying
*looks at you* it's always ok to cry Aj we have to let it out once and awhile
I can't tho... I'm goin to be sick
*looks at you* ok I promise if you ever need me I'll be here
yeah ik
yup o just made my self sick *gets up and goes to the bathroom*
*doesn't see u yet and slides down the wall*
*follows you and sits next to you*
*falls in ur arms*
Oh cam I have a question for you really quick it's not that I want to start anything I just want to hear it from you
nothin I'm just making myself sick from crying *tears up again and hold tight to u* cam cam cam... I'm gonna pass out...*says louder* cam! help me! Chloe!
*looks at aj* cam we need to do something and is it true that you called me fake and yes I saw it
Ray said you did but I don't believe it her boyfriend said that I'm so fake I make Barbie look real and I'm sorry about the whole thing with Ray too
can don't let go of me cam *cries a bit* Cam! Chloe! no no no no
*crabs a rag and puts cold water on it and puts it on your forehead* stay calm Aj were here we're not going anywhere
*snd doesn't let go of cam*
*looks at you and moves the rag around your face* shh it's ok
*starts freaking out a little more* what's happening?
*looks at you* shhh it's ok Aj stay calm
*throws my hands over my face* ahh! o my gosh! *cries*
*looks at you* Aj what's wrong you can tell me and cam anything
what's wrong
*shakes head and cries* I don't know I don't know I don't know my head hurts I'm gonna faint oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh
just somebody help me!
*looks at you* we can help if you tell us what to do
*cries* I don't know!
what's happening?!*cries*
*looks at you* I think you're having a panic attach
no I've had them before and mine r never like this *cries*
I want Hayden *cries* I want Hayden
*looks at you* just listen to me ok take deep slow breaths for me
.*takes a deep breath* hay-hay *faints*
*puts the rag on your forehead*
*moves the rag around*
*pulls my phone out and calls 911*
*still out*
*ambulence comes and gets you and I follow behind them*
*wakes up for about 10 seconds then goes back out*
*gets to the hospital and waits until they let me see you*
*in the bed still out*
*walks in to your hospital room and sits in the chair next to your bed*
*wakes up*
*startled* where am I... where's Hayden? where cam? Chloe where am I?
*looks at you* you're in the hospital Aj idk where cam went I think he's sleeping and I tried getting Hayden to message me but he didn't
what? y am I in here what happened?! Chlo? what's goin on?
*looks at you* you had a really bad panic attach and passed out you're going to be ok the babies are ok
*tears up and whispers* oh my gosh.... how long was I out?
*looks at you* you were out for at least 30 to 40 minutes but everything is ok and I'm not leaving you
*just a few tears fall and puts hands over my head* oh my gosh... I j-just wanna g-go h-h-home
*looks at you* the doctor told me you can go home in a lil they want to make sure everything is perfectly fine before they let you out
*tears up more* oh my gosh no I'm fine I wanna go home.. I want Hayden... *cries*
*starts freaking out again*
*looks at you* calm down please Aj I'll go get the doctor
*tries settling down making it hard to breath* no Chloe I'm fine.. don't don't
*looks at you* do you want to go home
yes*looks at u with tears I eyes* and they should let me unless an ambulance took me here
An ambulance did bring you here *looks at you and whipes your tears*
*looks away toward the window*
*looks at you* I'm going to get you home tonight I promise
*smiles a little* okay... promise
*smiles* I promise I'll get you home tonight and I can stay with you to make sure your ok or you can stay with me at my house
it's fine we have a guest room all made up and stuff so u can sleep there I'f u want? I just really wanna go to my house
Ok I'll see if I'm aloud to take you home ok and yeah that's fine
okay...*settles way down*
good night sis ily but I'm about asleep
Night ily2 sis I'll text you in the morning ok I pinky promise
Good morning sis
What's up
making pancakes u?
Laying in bed trying to think of something to do for bae cuz he doesn't know the gender of the baby yet
haha... throw a party... and have piΓ±ata that's a question mark.... and on the inside have a bunch of pink candies and bunch of pink stuff
*laughs* or I was thinking about making a vianila cake and putting pink food color in it and writing boy or girl on it
fun fun
Yeah so when are you due
soon,but not soon enough... about less then a month
Oh are you ready for them to be here
like 2wks so anytime now pretty much
yeah I think so... Hayden is that's for sure...
Lol usually it's the dads who are nervous
he's not... it's the other way for us....
I can tell have you told kayson yet cuz once the babies get here and you're doing stuff with them he's going to feel left out but if you tell he'll understand
yeah well sorta...
You guys should tell him I'm here if you need help with it
yeah ik
I meant soo
u seem confused?
It's ok and oh hey cam.....πŸ˜•
what's wrong Chloe
yeah I did
Nothing *looks away*
*looks down* kani and Lucas are supposed to be gone for a week and Kani is on
so how did u find out Kani was on?
I went on their page and she was talking to someone
oh so have u tried talking to her and seeing y she was back or where Lucas is?
No not yet
u should ask
She's not on now but Ray thinks she can hurt me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
lol y?
Cuz I told her to leave Michael alone cuz she hurt him enough and she's like I'll hurt you too and I was like what are you going to do to me Ray
oh brother
Yeah she didn't touch me tho cuz if she did touch me she wouldn't see tomorrow
Hey how are you doing
pretty good u... and sorry I was out with my sis
Good and it's fine