Collage by heyitsray


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You okay?
I guess. I have this stûpid hatepage.
Awh Ray *Hugs her* I wrote you a song, it might cheer you up? if you wanna hear it? ❤️
When I look into your face, there's no more dreaming When I look into your eyes, there's no more words Butterflies, long drives, in sunset evenings Basically you can knock me off the ea-aa-aa-aa-a-arth Got a laugh that could catch, and a smile that Could take over my brain, in fact it has Miss you when you're gone, and time drags on Who knew people could fall so fast? 'Cause there's nowhere else I'd rather be No one else I'd rather see Controlling every part of me I love skipping a beat, every time you speak And no one's never made me feel this way That's why I want to tell you every day When I look into your face there's no more dreaming When I look into your eyes there's no more words Butterflies long drives in the sunset evenings Basically you can knock me off the ea-aa-aa-aa-a-arth Got a body to die for, eyes that I smile for Realized you were special, the first night that I saw you When you grabbed me, that's when you had me Now you've got me any time, and I'll make you happy Let's go places no one goes Tell me things no one knows I look at you just the way you like So you'll know what you'll do with me tonight And no one's ever made me feel this way That's why I want to tell you every day When I look into your face there's no more dreaming When I look into your eyes there's no more words Butterflies long drives in the sunset evenings Basically you can knock me off the ea-aa-aa-aa-a-arth And I must conclude, all I see is you I done being 'old me' and breaking all the rules Well you could take me, show me who I could be, and just be me with you I want you to know all the good and bad 'Cause accept that makes me, who I am And no one's ever made me feel this way That's why I wanna tell you every day Butterflies long drives in the sunset evenings Basically you can knock me off the ea-aa-aa-aa-a-arth When I look into your face there's no more dreaming When I look into your eyes there's no more words Butterflies long drives in the sunset evenings Basically you can knock me off the ea-aa-aa-aa-a-arth cos I'll go once around the world, once around the world, and back to you ❤️
oh my god....I'm...speechless..
*Pulls her into my arm* Your my little sister, who says I can't spoil you? ❤️
You like it then? 😊
*hugs you* I'm so lucky to have you as my big brother...I love it...thank you so much..
Your welcome 😊 *Hugs her and sits her next to me* 😌 I love you loads 😝💘
*sits on your lap and snuggles up* I love you too💘
*Plays with her hair* Sorry I haven't been here ❤️
*smiles and kisses your cheek* it's ok. but I kissed you with my moufy! *points to my mouth* what are you gonna do about it?
I'm going to tickle you to death *Smiles and tickles her* ❤️
*Stops tickling* Do you still think I'm fake 😕
*stops laughing* that doesn't matter.
But I'm not Ray..
ok. can we not talk about it? *kisses your jawline*
I'm seriously not fake. This is the only account I own apart from that -Fxckmanleo- I'm not fake, I admit, in the past I have been but I'm not and I hope you realise that 😕
*Pulls away and walks out* Sorry Ray but if you think I'm fake then there's no point
I never said you were. like wth...
I know but it's been playing in my mind...
I'm sorry. *Walks in* I got you a present ❤️🙊💘
well I know you aren't.
Good 😝
Do you want your present?
what present? *giggles*
A good one 🙊
*Brings in a massive box and a card*
*Watches her open a card: It has a picture of us two on the front ... inside it says: Your probably wondering why I've done this for you but it's to say thank you for never giving up on me and for always being there and supporting me no matter what I choose to do with my life. I love you so much and I'm so sorry for not always being here ❤️ Your brother, Leo the Lion xoxxx
*Watches her open the box and she finds a driving licence* *Takes her hand and gives her a piggy back outside* There's a white Audi TT, it's my car.. I'm giving it you, I have an Audi TT in black 2016 model now (IRL) so I thought you might like this, it's been repaired and it looks brand new ❤️ Just for youuu.
*Hold her hand and takes her inside and out the back garden, There's a wooden stage, and a microphone,a bbq and a juice bar, I run inside and get changed (puts on my blue ripped skinny jeans, an adidas shirt, adidas jacket and my black nikes) I run downstairs, spray myself with my body scrub, grab my guitar, and run onto the stage and does a private gig just for Ray, I know you couldn't come to my show so I thought it would be nice to do this for you ❤️
*Runs off stage sweating after the gig* Did you enjoy that?
*kisses your cheek and jumps into your arms* I love you so much and you did not have to go through all this trouble for me, oh my god...
*Hugs her* I'd go through any trouble to see you smile ❤️
*hugs you and wraps my legs around your waist* ilysm
I love you too. I'm working things out with Lucy too so life's good ❤️ Florida was crazy last night and tonight. Just in the hotel now getting ready for tomorrow, I think I'm off to Texas? I can't remember
awe sounds great...I'm going through a lot with Michael...
Yep, one more night here in Florida then down to Texas 😊 And I heard! You gunna be okay?
Just remember to stick by him. He's gone through enough by himself and needs you because any blind man could see how much he loves you. ❤️ Life will always throw stuff at you but you need to realise it only makes you stronger
no, we're fine, but his stepdad abuses him and makes fun of him for being's horrible...but don't tell him I told you please..
I'm not going to ❤️ You can tell me anything. But if he's doing that Michael needs to tell somebody, and fast! Before it gets out of control and he gets seriously hurt! ❤️
I guess it's gunna be hard hearing the truth from Lucy but it's good to get my questions answered
But it's so nice to know you have my back and always have done throughout the last few months ❤️ I can't explain how thankful I am Ray and how grateful I am 😌
thanks...I'm sorry if I don't seem like me, tonight...I'm just low on love and stuff..
Yeah I understand *Hugs her* When times get hard just come to me yeah.
*hugs you back* that sort of stuff feels good...snuggle me yeah?
Always 😊 *Sits on the sofa and lays her head on my chest and plays with her hair*
*sighs of relief and wraps my arms around you*
You always have me 😌
I might be 2929337 miles away but you have me ❤️
😌thank you..
You know I love you more then life 😊
And at every gig before I go on and I do a little prayer to God hoping that your okay and thanking him for me and you meeting. Then after every show I always shout out yours and Ella's name then say thank you and then run off the stage. Not lying .. name?😭😍
Really 😊
that's so sweet....
It's not though. It's just letting the Lord know how thankful I am for you 😊
♥️I'm thankful for you too..*kisses your cheek*
*Hugs her and tickles* I preform every day nearly and have I never ever not once forget to shout your name out at the end 😌
🔊📢❤️ *laughs and screams* that's incredible...
Awh it's not 💘
*smiles* Come here,
*Walks towards her and holds her hand* It's like 3am. I'll talk to you tomorrow, I promise ❤️ I love you. Goodnight 💘
I love you too...goodnight.
I love you 3. ❤️
I love you 4
I love you the most ❤️