req bios


req bios

6 38
benji- his honey bee
postttt my baby boy!
i miss you more
Es muy cierto
hmm, because i said so.
hi anyone im erykah
otay are you feeling better?
awww nooo I’m sorry :((
you’ve been sick for a week now my love
recent is pending
it’s pending daddy
yep still pending 😢
awww my poor baby :(((
okay honey
I’m doing okay, how are you doing?
of course, I didn’t know if you still wanted to talk to me lol
I’d never get tired of you
I had a thing for you, before you starting talking to that girl
I did
it’s okay, I promise
I’m not sure I like her, I just met her
missing you tons
how about you give me cuddles papa? :)
hi baby girl
hi anyone! i’m paige :)
where’s your bio pretty girl?
hey whoever, i’m kinley
thank you baby x
its okay
my angel
how are you feeling :)
hmphhh I’m sorry honey anything I can do?
hmph okay do you want a massage?
okay honey do you want the whole deal or just a back massage
okay beautiful go lay down
hello anyone, i’m Lachlan x
hey i really did too baby *smiles at you*
*pulls you close to my chest* no you didn’t
*shakes my head and kisses you back*
*holds you close to me as i kiss you*
*kisses you deeper as you do*
miss you handsome.
i missed you
ainsley is out of the house with her mom for a bit so we will be having some alone time now
probably 2 weeks
it is, her mom is taking her to disney with her bf
how’s my princess feeling
Hey it’s anna grace.
I don’t expect you to reply because you’ve obviously moved on I just wanted to say sorry for disappearing so fast. I had alot of rough things going on in my personal life and deactivated all of my accounts to keep myself for going crazy. I should have said something. if I hurt you.. please know im so sorry.. I didn’t mean to. I’ll always love you.
I went and changed his name, Coston. I moved back in with my parents because I just couldn’t. I’m sorry, again
i just feel bad
can we meet somewhere
let’s get food.. Mexican??
okay, we’ll be there soon
sounds good, im leaving the house now *gets Coston dressed and in the car*
*drives to the restaurant and parks on the side*
*gets out grabbing my purse and walks to the back getting Coston’s car seat out*
that’s good honey
*walks up to the front seating area and smiles* hii i was joining someone? he probably just got here *smiles and holds coston*
*smiles and points to you* is that your table? // oh yes, thanks so much *smiles and walks over to the table holding coston* hey
oh I’m okay
*fixes costons car seat on the sling thing and sits down in front of you and laughs softly* idk what to say
no my hearts beating out of my chest *laughs gently again and looks down at the table*
not surprised if i fall asleep here shortly
*laughs softly and shakes my head again* fxxk im sorry
I already know what I want *laughs softly and checks on Coston*
he’s been alright *nods and puts my hand on his arm*
i assume as well as anyone can adjust *smiles* postpartum depression really hit, especially on those rough nights where he cant sleep. that obviously means i cant sleep so i had to cut back hours at work which i really didn’t wanna do
yeah it’s slowly getting better *nods and rubs his arm before undoing all of the straps on his car seat and gets him out, smoothing down his hair*
yeah he’s gotten longer *smiles and holds him, ordering after you*
*smiles and rubs his back* it’s been like a month hasn’t it?
your being short.. *watches you and holds Coston*
i guess things have changed alot so i can understand the anxious part.. *nods gently and watches you nibbling my lip*
are you sure things haven’t changed your way dakota? *watches you and rubs his back*
are you mad? what does that even mean? *watches you and rocks Coston* i can leave, im sorry??
I don’t assume and im not blaming im just curious if I even should be here. I reached out to apologize. but I had already assumed you wouldn’t be here, that I would have to ask someone to get you on. so taken aback that your bio was up and you were already talking to someone. and I guess that cut off my expectations of what I thought this would lead to. you seem as if you don’t want me here.
*nods and gives Coston a paci*
we shouldn’t have done this in public *watches you and bites on the inside of my lip*
everything i say is wrong, great. just because it’s anxious waiting. but, .. nvm
you can tell me *nods softly and watches you*
welll jokes on you, first thing im doing when we get outside is giving you the biggest hug. that is, if you don’t push me away or stop me from doing so
*smirks softly and laughs* hush
*thanks him and smiles*
*starts cutting up my quesadilla*
*takes a bite and moves my cup to the side of the table*
thank you *smiles up at him and nods looking back to you* it’s good, i never get just a cheese quesadilla but i might start getting it more often
thank you *laughs gently and takes another bite* thank you for being my biggest hypeman
i do too baby
definitely wasn’t a surprise *laughs and finishes my food*
yes, what are you thinking of?
*laughs and puts my napkin on my place drinking my water*
ladies choice, i dont care
any single mommas? Im Brandon
hey, it’s nice to meet you too :)
good :) chilling today since i’m off work
hi there :) I’m Ophelia
happy father’s day my love.
everett? it’s mya..
hazel, i miss you </3 - drew
missed you both sm
that’s okay, no rush drew is on the way to work now so i think most likely he will talk to her tmr
ik:( we wanted a break from the app so all of just decided to leave..
then what should i refer myself as x
yeah, needed a mental shut off from everything so…but im better now
you’re welcome
&&& you must remix some photos of you, i miss seeing your face 🥹
thank you baby🤎🤎
okay, I’ll be waiting for them!
let’s do something, i miss hanging out w you
ANYTHING :) just want to be in your arms <3
hi princess
remix meeee!!! xx
babyyy :( miss you
then come here! *opens my arms for you*
*smiles and buries my face in your chest as I wrap my legs and arms around you and pecks your jawline*
*holds onto you and traces small shapes with my finger tips along your chest and smiles gently looking up at you* how have you been misterr?
I’ve been goood! just enjoying my study break but also been going to work *smiles and nods listening to you as I curl myself against you*
tooo sweet <3
WELL for me you are sweet x
GOOD! how was your day baby?
hi princess:)
aww:( anyway, I can help to make it less boring? x
okay baby, i always love talking to you <3
little girl remix me when you see this
let’s do something??
I’m alright honey how is my love bug
hi anyone i’m kaylee x
anythinggg <3 you pick!!
let’s cuddle and watch a movieee? x
fineee, but i also want you to post </3
okay, making my bio now <3
do you want me to come to your place??
-drives to your place and parks the car getting out and knocks on your door-
thank you baby! all yourss 🥹🥰
hi hi, I brought snacks -smiles holding them after I come inside and takes my shoes off-
hi anyone!