Isn't he cute~


Isn't he cute~

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Hey Slender
hey how are you~
I'm good wyd
just reading
as usually
*looks away* nothing...
*holds knife and twirls it* don't make me stab you *laughs evilly
*tenticals wave fiercely* you can try *smirks*
*dashes towards you with the knife ready to stab you* oh I'll try *laughs even more*
*teleports out of the way when you get closer* *takes your knife and picks you up by your foot*
LET ME DOWN *flopping back and forth*
*opens my mouth and gets close to your face*
what are you doing
*holds you still* stop squirming
*still squirming * try to stop me
*tightens my grip around your wrists and ankles*
*sighs* u win
good *kisses you then teleports to a different room*
*goes to the room where u are in* I ran wth was that we will talk about this later I'm going to take a test
yes I am back
ok, awesome~
so about that kiss~
yup let's talk about that kiss
like it? *smirks*
yeah*hides inside hoodie*
then if you liked it. why don't we do it again *kisses you again*
*kisses you back*