I'll probably be like the first person to watch that when it comes out. I'm only watching for Andy and Ben though tbh.


I'll probably be like the first person to watch that when it comes out. I'm only watching for Andy and Ben though tbh.

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Saaaaaame. I found it and was like "Wait what omg asdfghjkl"
I am like wha
I know. It's just
Imagine them in a movie
Well we won't have to
I know. It'll be p great.
I hope it's a real article and not one of those prank ones cause I really wanna see that
Well I mean, it was on Rock Sound and I doubt they would prank us.
Andy already has a movie c;
He does? I've probably heard of it but I dunno. xD
Oh wait yeah. Alive And Burning right?
Okay. Yeah. I knew that. XD
legion of the black
hold up
Yup. There's Alive And Burning and Legion Of The Black.
Same. >.<
I'm a failure to bvb 😂
Same here. XD
have u seen it?
What, Alive And Burning? I haven't seen that but I have seen Legion Of The Black.
I'm pretty disappointed with the alive and burning one I'm not paying money for a "movie" that is literally just them singing on tour when you can watch that for free on YouTube all the live songs in that movie are in a playlist and it's the same footage... it's a waste of money >•<
Yeah true...Though you could probably say that with pretty much any movie. You could just wâtch most stuff online somewhere.
I watch legion of the black in YouTube
I'm so exited to meet Andy and Ashley in going to ask to take a picture with them at the meet up and then push them together to make them kiss 😛😈
Awww luckyyy! When are you seeing them?
And yes, #ANDLEY4LYFE <3 cx
this summer at warped tour the dates aren't released yet
Cool! I really wanna go to Warped Tour but I live in flipping Ireland where Warped Tour doesn't exist. >.<
omg... I'm so sorry ;o;
We don't have Hot Topic either...Life is miserable. ;~;
There aren't many good bands who come here either. They all neglect Ireland.
But even if Warped Tour did come here my parents probably wouldn't let me go so eh...
well... when ur 18 move to the us or Canada and u will meet loadddds of bands and warped tour is best in Toronto Canada cuz it's a small town... bands play there more than any other place in the world
Sure. I will do so. ^-^
it's life right 😭
Yasssss. 😭😭
oh my god what am I doing with my life 😂 ❌fanboying❌
✖️Fangirling✖️Is like the only thing I do with my life. x'D