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np *hugs her them sways her tail around* notice anything... *smiles slyly*
and my new name is Blue Storm...
*smiles with her sharp teeth showing* Shea Fox...! Nice to meet ya...!
*i smile* Blue Storm! better than ever to meet you
*sighs and smiles* I feel happier than I ever have when I'm with I guys... I feel like I have a family again...
*smiles* we missed you too much
*sighs and cries a little then looks at her* but I've completely changed now.... I'm... I'm... a... freak...
*looks at you* your not a freak...
*looks at him worried* I've changed... how did u guys even recognize me..?
*looks at the sky* How couldn't we recognize you...
*sighs and stands up then flies up to a cloud and sits down* ya how can recognize me... im ugly like I was back then...
*i sit down* your not ugly and I could smell your cologne
*sniffs her fur* him I thought I put some wolf spray on this morning... *sighs then lays down on the cloud I'm tried I've been watching Ponyvile for so long I couldn't even stop for a rest..
*looks up at you* yeah I've been busy with Ruby...
*looks at him with wide eyes then jumps back* doing what!!!
*laughs* I hope you know what I know
*falls to the floor laughing* don't worry your not a aunt YET
*growls at him* What do u mean by yet..!!!
π³what is going on???????)
*sighs* don't worry she's not
*jumps over to Ruby and looks at her stomach* hmm...
*looks over at them* Ya but umm... ruby's an aunt thou... surprise...
*my eyes widen and a face of horror appears on my face* I don't wanna be an uncle
*sighs* well u r.... but I'm not sure when I'm dew yet but all I know is I'm pregnant... u could say me a music disc did a few things... *smiles worriedly while slightly laughing*
*laughs a little* wait till I tell your father
*looks at him worried and scared* plz don't tell him!! (grey)*walks up behind her* Don't tell me what...?
*smiles* well you know that Colt she knew
*turns around shocked* dad... nice to see u *sweat drips down her face* (grey)*lifts up one of his eyebrows*
let's just say there won't be just 5 family members anymore...
(grey)*walks over to blue storm* Yes it's was music disc... what about him...
(grey)What... *growls at him* did u get Ruby pregnant!!!
*looks innocent* ask music disk if he got your other daughter pregnant
(grey)*walks over to Shea and looks at her angrily* Is there something u want to tell me....! (Shea)*sighs worriedly* Ur a grandpa...
rolls eyes* you guys are so weird ππ)
*sighs* do I have to be an uncle
*looks at Ruby* Thank you...!!!
(grey)*flies up in the sky and flies around screaming* IM A GRANDPA!!!!
*i run around in circles panicking*
*sighs them looks at blue and sticks out her tongue* You tired!
(grey)*comes back down and coughs* that's not how a king acts... *walks over to blue stops him from running* how would u be an uncle ur not her brother...
*i go faster tearing up the grass* AHHHHHHH
*stops and I go silent*
(grey)*grabs him and slaps him across the face* get a grip kid!! this is not how royalty acts!!!
ow! what do you want *i say angrily*
let him do what he wants.no one knows he's royalty yet
*walks over to Ruby* So r u made at me...?
shrugs* not really.
*i zoom across the world and back* okay I think I'm done
*rolls her eyes* finally!
laughs and flys upside down*
*sighs and flies up to her and boops her nose* so r u mad...?
no.not mad at all *smiles*
*sits down* I only want one filly...
*looks at him* so let's say u do get Ruby pregnant what if she had two fillies... what r u gonna do then...?
let's not talk about me having kids plz *i glare at her*
i fall down and mumble* that would be fine...I mean.,.you get what you get and you don't through a fit
*sighs nervously* sure... *her tail goes between her legs and her ears fold back and smiles worried* whatever u say?!
rolls eyes* so, what do u guys want to do?
not get pregnant
growls* beside that
*i lift my ears up* mom! *i zoom down two blocks*
*sits down and growls them stomps her hoof down* I KNEW IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO TELL U!!! *runs away crying* ur just like the others!
*i walk around repeating* Mom?
halo wait! *runs after you* we didn't mean to offend you.the last thing I want is for u not to trust ur sister
*i zoom back to ruby* plz don't be mad Halo I am not good in the arts of chilling and *i pound my head on the ground and start to dig*
uhh caballo?
*i dig a deep hole and hop into it and lye there*
what are u doing?
*runs around and looks at her and her eyes r completely white with tears streaming down her face* UR GONNA HATE ME AND LEAVE ME JUST LIKE MUSIC DISC DID WHEN I TOLD HIM!!! *falls down and cries* just like him...
*digs deeper* I'm coming mom! I'm following your instructions*
you are nothing like him!we would never leave you!im ur sister for Celestia's sake.Im always be here for u
*lays down in the grass and cries* why was I made this way...?
caballo not rlly the time *i lift u into the air with my magic*
*looks up at her* But... ur not happy about me having fillies... ur mad at me!
*i stop and panick* what's happening I need my mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
I am not mad at you *i hug you* you are my sister no matter what happens knuckle brain *i ruffle your hair and smile*
*stops for a second and her eyes go wide*
*looks at her sister* I... I have to go...!
*i fall to the ground* fillies are cool I guess just hard to raise...that's why I only want one
*puts her hoof on her stomach* ouch!
*my eyes widen* uh oh...
oh no!
*breaths sharp* I think... *breaths sharp* I need to get to the hospital now!
*i grab both of you and you blink and when you open your eyes your at the hospital* here
(doctor) what's the problem..?!
(Doctor) Nurse! get this mare a room now! *they take Shea back into a room* I'm gonna need u two to stay here!
*doctor runs off into the room*
-5hrs pass- *the Doctor walks out up to Ruby and blue*
*i sit on a chair reading a magazine*
is she alright? *i ask nervously*
(Doctor) she had two healthy fillies! follow me and you can see her... *takes them to the room* (Doctor) right in there...
*i follow you and look at the fillies*
*looks over at them and smiles* hey guys...
*i pass out*
*she yawns and falls asleep*
*i get back up*
*looks at him* r u ok blue...
I had a weird dream where you had two fillies
*laughs* well that dream is real... *looks over at them in the basket next to her and smiles*
*passes out again*
*face hoofs* rlly blue...
*i get up again* ok so you have two fillies?
*points to the basket next to her* take a look...
*i look at them* boys or girls?
*laughs* ones a boy and the others a girl... idk know what to name the boy yet... I like green pastel but idk what do u think blue..?
*thinks* whatever you want
*picks the boy filly up* green pastel it is! *kiss the filly on the head and puts him back in the basket then yawns* I think I might lay down... can u wake me up if one starts crying..?
*smiles* sure
*yawns* thx... *rolls over and falls asleep*
*i sit and wait*
*the fillies start crying*
*looks at them* um Shea
*hears them crying and wakes up and yawns then picks them up then looks at blue* I think they need some quiet time... can u go get me something to eat plz... *grabs some bits* this can get me something to drink and a sandwich can u get me one?
*sighs* ok *i go and get you food and a drink and come back* here
*smiles* thx just put it on that table over there.. * starts rocking the fillies back to sleep*
*i set it down* there ya go *i sit in my chair*
*smiles* thx for helping me blue... *puts the fillies back in the basket* it means a lot...
*smiles* to bad their dad isn't here for them
*a tear goes down her face* he said he was going to come I texted him earlier... *hears a knock at the door*
*my ears lift up and I open it*oh hi...
(music disc) hey *walks in and looks at Shea* were r they..? (Shea)*points over at the basket* in there... (music disc)*looks over in the basket* eww! (Shea)What...! (music disc) their... their... ugly...
*i walk to music disc* hey they are beautiful!
(music disc)*pushes him back* listen here u little creep I don't want u in here with my girlfriend and with my kids so... *pushes him towards the door* if u would kindly leave! (Shea) there not ur kids...
*i growl and I shove him* stop it before I knock you into next week
(music disc)*growls at him then hears Shea* what did u say!! (Shea) I said there not ur kids and your not my boyfriend... so I would like u to leave...
*looks at music disc and growls*
(music disc)*walks over to Shea and smacks her across the face*
HEY! *i tackle him and punch him*
(music disc)*kicks him off and they whips the blood from his lip* there ugly kids anyway... *looks at Shea* ur ugly too.. *walks out*
*i growl* don't listen to him
*she is huddled under the blanket crying*
*i rush over* don't cry
*comes out from under the blanket and hugs blue* thank you!
*smiles* yeah...ill stay with you..,
*lets go of him then she's feels her face* it still hurts...