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nvm πŸ˜πŸ™‚
u on bae?😘
yea I'm on
hey my sis was trying to talk to u
yea I saw
I saw NOW tho
I just got on I was on computer
oh she thinks ur cuteπŸ˜‚
lol πŸ˜‚
talk to her
she wants to talk to u wait hold on I'll get her on here
hey savannah
if you want to now how I like read the two first words again
were not dating
well not yet
so Liam wyd?
lol πŸ˜œπŸ˜›πŸ™‚
I'm watching some vids
Liam that was for you
ya were gonna date on Thursday
thx I guess πŸ™‚
and if you don't want to talk to me don't talk to meπŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜£πŸ˜£
I'm talking to u kaylee I'm talking to everyone
ok ok chillaxπŸ™‚
I don't think ur crazy πŸ™‚
I'm here I was talking on a different calloge
I posted what I'm doin
wow Liam u r busy
obviously texting πŸ™„
we push little letters and we make em into words
Liam r u watching the cubs game right now?
no but I can turn it on
or I can record it
so savannah how's life?
good? idk how's school life?
Liam u there?
so Liam we don't talk as much as we usually do it weird
I'm so bored😐😫
I'm back and saame😞😣😫😫😫😫
nope I'm just sitting on the floor
look at the corner of ur door you'll see me
so u see me I'm waving
I'm laying in the dark in my bed with the computer on and MY DOG OVER THERE CRUNCHING ON HER BONE LIKE,ITS CANDY YA YOU LAYLA STOP IT
lol ur dog is so cute
he knows I showed him
I'll show ya mine
I am in my basement
lol savannah is in her room laying in bed and I'm in my room on the floor
I am watching tv
yeah I spend a lot of time in my basement
Savannah how big is your house
compared to mine?
I'm back I have to fix my bed
ok πŸ™‚
Savannah what did u have for dinner
savannah my earbuds just broke
I had outside food from father and son I had chicken wings
I'm gonna make my lunch now