Collage by Chantel_


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very nice too meet you, I’d introduce myself but it seems you already know my name
it’s weird honestly, I teach like a combination of mythology and vampires/werewolves and stuff in that category not sure what you call it honestly 😂
I believe that people shouldn’t push something out of there mind and say it’s fictional or fake until they know all the facts
I’m doing- well I don’t know actually i haven’t really had time to think about that
yeah I guess you could say that
hm yeah that’d be nice
oh... wow well that’s never happened before. Well fxck, that sucks. No need to apologize I one hundred percent understand, I’m sorry that happened to you truly. I don’t normally have drama because I absolutely hate but yeah I get it. 😕
no don’t apologize, I completely understand I’d feel the same way. it was probably Jake he was beating on my friend so I had to step in but hopefully we can talk again later down the road
I’ve got no clue what he told you but he’s an idiot honestly, I can’t believe he did that to her but no pressure at all it’s all up to you
take all the time you need, I understand
your sure ?