Melanie:hi hi! *giggles*


Melanie:hi hi! *giggles*

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Melanie: who are you? *smiling*
*gasps* you know Vicky?! yes of course! and tank you
Melanie:*jumping* YEA!!!
Melanie:*runs as fast as a 3 and a half year old can* yea!
Vicky:*in he woods cutting stuff*
Vicky:nothing's wrong Vanessa. Melanie:vi!*runs and hugs her leg*
vicky:*puts down her sword and pick up Melanie* I'm sorry I didn't mean to and I dunno up to you
vicky: yea sounds like fun what do you think Melanie? Melanie:Queen!
Vicky:*holds On to Melanie and runs after* we're gonna beat you!
Vicky:*laughs* then I when follow me *walks towards a castle*
Vicky: *smiles**yells at a guard saying some words then walks in* she should be in the kitchen
guard:ow! Vicky:*takes her hand and pulls her to the kitchen* come on your so slow
Juno:Vanessa!*hugs you* how have you been?
Vicky:yea right I so would have won
Juno:*smiles* good to here and hello Melanie. so what do you want to do first hmm?
Melanie: mama says no more adventure if Luke is busy. Vicky:we can leave her her *raises hand* Juno:yea
Vicky:YEAS!!!!!!! Juno:alright. Melanie:*of playing with junos little girl*
Juno:no I do swords if might be ace's but I doubt it *sits you on the counter and takes out the knife and cleans it up*. Vicky:it's okay v
juno&vicky:*hugs back* Juno:wanna cookie?*smiling*
Juno:thank you made them earlier. Vicky:aww thanx v your pretty awesome yourself *playfully nudges her shoulder*
Juno:*giggles*race ya *starts running towards the woods*. Vicky:is your foot okay?
Vicky:*picks her up piggy back style*hold on *smiles and starts running*
Vicky:sure thing not a chance I'm letting Juno beet us!
Juno: wanna go there? Vicky:*already running towards it*
Juno:wait up *runs after you guys* Vicky:*turns her head* never
Juno:ugh! *runs faster laughing*. Vicky:*sitting on the porch steps*
Vicky:just waiting on you Juno:yea!
vicky:n-no. Juno:I think I saw something move!
Juno:at the stairs lets go in!
bubbles:*jumps out and yells rawr!*
bubbles:that was the idea
bubbles:might have been Cliff but I dunno *smiling*
Juno & bubbles:yea!
bubbles:I'll check the closet Juno:alright
Juno:how would someone fit in draws? *checking under the bed*
Juno:no*still laughing like crazy*. bubbles:yea! *helps*
Juno:I dunno