Words can’t describe how much this song means to me. It’s what got me through. He is so underrated and his music lifts me up and brings me back to the surface when I’m sinking. Every lyric, every line tells a different story for me and it is beautiful 💕


Words can’t describe how much this song means to me. It’s what got me through. He is so underrated and his music lifts me up and brings me back to the surface when I’m sinking. Every lyric, every line tells a different story for me and it is beautiful 💕

23 1
hey I’m here
its good
what you watching
oh ok well that’s good that it isn’t to bad. I’m good thx for asking x
Beautiful edit❤️
I should check this song out! I love songs like that, ones that inspire you and tell a story. (I'm guessing this song is your Light of Hope)😂😃
hey.... I don't know what have I done to him.
I don't deserve this.... I don't deserve betrayal
what's the point of living when you know that in the end your gonna get betrayed?
it's all my fault.... I'm the one whose supposed to die not him.
I was being mean... but I was hurt. he hurt my feelings.... he made me feel worthless and stupid and more depressed.
this would have never happened if I wasn't born. trust me, if suicide wasn't a sîn in my religion you wouldn't have known me....
rose..I flatlined..
your right... nothing good would happened cuz no one would have a little friend they could use and betray in the end which be bad for them. so, therefore, nothing good would have happened if I wasn't born.
but I became depresses because of people. people like him, no offense. I do feel bad for him but it's just that I... know.. that.. it's not worth it anymore.
5 hours ago.
people called me a slût, a bîtch and ûgly and these two people even told me to die. now, tell me, are suicidal thoughts not caused because of other people?
I don't know. I told ya this before suicide is a sîn in my religion. so is cutting... but it's something which can be forgiven by God but suck code can not be forgiven by God.
not suck code! 0.0
but I was the cause of someone's suicidal thoughts. it was me who made him like that. if only I never told him about me having a crush on him... he wouldn't be suicidal.
he wouldn't have to "crush me like a grape"
I have faith in God but he doesn't have faith in me. why you ask.. because he hates me too
I couldn’t breath.
this is not worth it. why are you even trying...?
how do you know he's alive...?
oh so is he still talking to you on that secret account again..? are you guys backstabbing about me again? are guys calling me dramatic again? are you guys making fun of me again?
why do you care? I'm just 12. I mean, just because I'm 12 it doesn't mean I'm immature and dumb.
Celia was completely right.....
even tho 13.. you called me twelve meaning it in a rude way which hurt my feelings.
even tho I'm 13*
that's when I actually deleted my account.
he even 'don't be a girl like her' not exactly at he said but that what he meant. I was about reply saying 'and don't be a dîck head and ruin people life'
he even said*
not exactly what*
if I was understanding I would have agreed with you and moved on from whatever happened yesterday.
that's not what I meant but oh well.
he could have just said me that he liked another girl and wasn't single instead of.... you know what he did.
it wasn't like I asked him out. all I ever said was that I had a crush on him. he brought it up.
we were normally talking
but I guess your just wasting your time here... so bye. I mean, I'll come on later. I just need some time for myself right now.
crying and listening to mgk
what’s wrong?
I'm back
how are you...?
same. :/
I kinda wanna talk to hunter right now and clear things out but I guess it's over... and bye.
omg... my ex is back. before hunter... I mean, hunter wasn't really my ex but ok. but my ex is back. he's following me. his name is 'mighty_mike'.
I know you have to go but I don't know how to start a conversation with my ex.
but ok bye.
or give me a advice on how I should start a conversation with him!! and not make it awkward!😂
Mike... I can't to a conclusion that hunter was just a mini crush. and you know crushes, right? they go away.. very easily. Mike didn't really treat me like how hunter did.
it's weird calling him Mike cuz he said his real name is Michael😂
maybe I should start a conversation with Mike by saying 'will you marry me?'
but with a laughing emoji!
or maybe not. :/
no I’m not ok
will u give me a shoutout cuz I want 2k by end of year
shoutout for a shoutout