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I am confused if it's a prank or not, but I'm leaning on the sad side, the side that he did die. like why would someone from the district prank us? what do you think? plz remix not comment because I can't read comments again.


tap here I am confused if it's a prank or not, but I'm leaning on the sad side, the side that he did die. like why would someone from the district prank us? what do you think? plz remix not comment because I can't read comments again.

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I would say not to ask anyone about it or talk about it at school unless someone says something to you. If it is a joke, you don't want to seem out of the loop :). If he really did pass away, and I hope he didn't, just know he's in a better place now and isn't suffering anymore. I hope this helped.
it was true, and sorry for the very late response, i lost my laptop but i found it. but yeah, it was really sad to go back to school, everyone was crying and im better now. I went to the memorial service for the students and teachers and they passed out bracelets and i haven't taken it off for more than an hour since ive put it on.