When you think of Chicago what comes to mind?? ((it's for a project))

((Not really but I'm curious))


When you think of Chicago what comes to mind?? ((it's for a project)) ((Not really but I'm curious))

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@caption fob
lmào oh yeah
when I think of Chicago I think of the bean and the huge aquarium
the Shedd Aquarium? good choice
the scene in victorious where trina puts on her own play and sings about chicago
how dare you make fun of me in my own hOme
me because I live close to there
tall buildings, fob, the bean, sears tower (I DONT CARE THAT THEY RENAMED IT ITS THE SAME IN MY HEART)
the San Francisco bridge because I'm not American and I don't know
I've never been BUT large buildings I guess?
city living
fall out boy..?
Will Grayson (probably won't help) And the Cubs
@caption //cold. very very very cold.
^^and windy
you (((;;
fr tho
fall out boy
brick buildings and the cubs :)
a very pretty sky line
this is so interesting to see omg
I'm so proud of my city
fun fact: Fall Out Boy isn't actually from Chicago, they're from a small suburb town ((the one I live in ;)))
snow and skyscrapers