GUYSS I GOT SONIC FORCES YESTERDAY AND IT IS SO FUN OMG. I’m seriously so excited; I’m probably going to rant in the comments, so consider this a warning😅Never lose hope💞


GUYSS I GOT SONIC FORCES YESTERDAY AND IT IS SO FUN OMG. I’m seriously so excited; I’m probably going to rant in the comments, so consider this a warning😅Never lose hope💞

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oKAY so words can’t even describe how much I love Knuckles’ characterization in this game. He makes such a great resistance leader, and it’s sooo refreshing to see his character get proper treatment for the first time in years✌️
And, okay, someone has to say this. The whole war and resistance plot line is ePIC asf. Like the idea of most of the planet being conquered by Eggman in the aftermath of a war while a rag-tag resistance tries to get it back is literally perfect for a Sonic game, fight me. Maybe I’m just a geek for this type of story😂
I don’t think a person should believe in an ism, they should believe in themselves
no problem! 🤣how old are you now?
oh really how coincidental! I’m getting my contacts tomorrow! 😅
Heck, 4july is a fun holiday. Fireworks, uhhh that's all my family does most of the time but yeah I'm sure there are other fun traditions hahahaha
nice! I’m 14 I’m kind of nervous about contacts but you might be the encouragement I need!
thanks! I’m going in now! 😄😆🥴❤️❤️
Okay so Infinite is such a chilling villain; I just wish his character was expanded on more.
Also I knew the OST for this game was killer, but I was unaware of the fact that nearly every track is ear-candy. Sonic Forces also made dubstep work really well, and anyone can fight me on this.
(re) rjsonfd that is so me with art
(re) ohhh yeah that would make it a great holiday
(re) I WAS ABOUT TO SAY "wow only fifteen, man, that's so young" AND THEN IT DAWNED ON ME TJAY IM ONLY SIXTEEN AHHHH
Ah! I got them! they feel so weird but I love them! I don’t have to deal with those weird glasses anymore! 😆😁😅❤️
gUYS I just played Park Avenue and wHAT A LEVEL🙌
thanks so much 4 the support! and you’re totally right about not looking through smudges
the world is so clear to me now 🤣🤣🤣
edgy hedgy? that’s beautiful! I love it❤️🤣🤣🤣
thanks! I am really close! my goal is 2,000 by the end of May! 😁
thanks you’re the best! ❤️😁
thanks so much!!! ❤️💙❤️💙
you have 3,000 followers!!! 😁😁
Ah enjoy it!!
oh ya! I just realized this! sry if that bothers you! 😅❤️
haha thanks yeah I'll be trying now to let the exams and stuff get on top of me but I'm sure I can use Smash as some good relief aha 😆
you inspired me so much, I decided to make a collage completely based off your inspiration
you’re welcome!!!
ya that’s me ☺️
Thank you! 😉❤️❤️❤️
ya same 😅 I try to stick on the bright side while being realistic
I am a SUPERsilver fan ☺️😁😁😃
Ik! I couldn’t stop laughing when I heard that 2!!! 🤣🤣🤣 and for some reason it reminded me of kindergarten? 😁😁
I’m not a knuckamy fan either but it was a cute pic
I love blaze 2!! thx😉❤️
really?! I can’t believe it! wow thanks!❤️❤️😘🥰
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