I got tickets to see panic! At the disco because thy are playing a day after my birthday and my dad let me get nice seats for my birthday and I'm so happy


I got tickets to see panic! At the disco because thy are playing a day after my birthday and my dad let me get nice seats for my birthday and I'm so happy

15 1
I'm freaking out I never thought I'd actually be able to see them and ancjsjsjdjwkncjd
and they not thy for in the caption 😂
Yay me too ♥︎
too bad we weren't going to the same one :/
dàmn I wish we were bc that would be so much fun, im only going with my mom? and she's already seen Weezer live? so she doesn't care? she just didn't let me go by myself 😂
im literally using that emoji so much im cringing
but im not that kind of person that uses like 18 emojis in every sentence to go with what they're saying
IDek what im talking about
I'm going with my mom too because of the same reason😂
I use it a lot too
yeah true
plus I have no real life friends that listen to panic! so ...
yeah a have a few friends one is already going and got lawn tickets
also the tickets I got were like resold and they were only selling two in a row so if my other friend wanted to go we couldn't sit next to each other
oh ok yeah my other friend is going but with their cousin and different seats
ok glad you feel better ;)
Thnks ;)