🌷important please read🌷

Three winners will be chosen and I will notify them ASAP. Those 3 winners will then comment what prize they want. Prizes go on first come first served basis so if someone already had the one you want you will have to pick a differ


🌷important please read🌷 Three winners will be chosen and I will notify them ASAP. Those 3 winners will then comment what prize they want. Prizes go on first come first served basis so if someone already had the one you want you will have to pick a differ

19 0
i spammed and followed
i 💖 muffins!
I 💖 muffins
I 💖 muffins
I spammed and followed
done for both
I voted for pop page
I voted for pop page
I slammed
I followed
I 💖muffins!
I reposted
reposted done
follow done
slammed done
I 💖muffins
I 💖 muffins!
I'm following you = Done I gave you a spam = Done I voted for you for Pop Page and I commented "I 💖 muffins!" so that's 6 for me 😊✌️ by the way I love your account it's really incredible and I'm super sorry I can't make you a fanpage though 😢 my other account is a joint account with a friend and I don't have another email that I can use but you definitely deserve one! 💕