Follow my friend holly027


Follow my friend holly027

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I’m okay hbu
I’m in school loving everything rn ;3 But I get out early because it’s early release day
Lol cx
Idk I just woke up that way even though I’m on my period
my depression hit me when I walked into my 6th period Earth Science
It’s not people it’s just me
oh god
it is
I don’t hate you but it says your on private. I couldn’t hate you. you know why I can’t hate you.
why are you on privates? and I mean it.
that’s not important. I think I’m the one that should ask you if you’re ok.
what’s up then?
you don’t need to apologize to me. you didn’t do anything wrong. if she’s cheating on you break it off with her. you’re anxiety I can’t do much for but I’ll try my best to help. but I can’t do nothing about surgery. if anything I should sat sorry.
talk to you in a bit. ♥️
at least you’re ok
if you don’t mind me asking but what was the surgery for? was it your scoliosis?
sorry to hear that.
I remember you telling me that.
heyo it's void. I deleted my main.
also, I don't know if you mind, but I'd prefer it if you called me Aryn. bella is my dead name I guess. I'm genderfluid.
anyways. how are you.
*heck why did I punctuate that with a period.
good. you?
djdjjdjskaodkdjsuwjj is suicide an emotion