ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ


ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ ᙢᘎᔕᓰᑕ

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I live in the US :))
Join me in hating GraceCat0727!!! She is a stupid, uncreative, talentless sinner! She said herself she is Bi, so she is turning away from god. She should just delete her account 🤮 🤮🤮🤮🤮. And Her bio is really stupid. Only children like fandoms anyway, and it’s really lame that she sorted herself into Ravenclaw! Go unfollow her! I don’t care if you tell her, because she is to weak and stupid to care.
you got a letter from JK Rowling
Pls go enter my games I have one more spot