welcome to mass murder and funeral week!! we are also having a ball event thing in the next week or so


welcome to mass murder and funeral week!! we are also having a ball event thing in the next week or so

1 13
woohoo let’s get to it
hmmm who shall die this week
I don't know who's going to die this week but I do have ideas for the future
But anyways I'm drawing again so I definitely want to do a yearbook type thing for this rp even though it's the summer
im back
sorry im having eye problems
i need to go to a doctor
that’s not good-
my face is so sore
ainslie was sad and alone at the park, zoning out into space once again. this has become a daily habit for her.
corey was sitting at the cafe drinking a coffee
layne was at the beach swimming
this funeral will probably never happen lol
I think we should say the funeral is either happening tonight or it's not happening at all
i’m at a yearbook event lol
so i won’t be on until tonight
let’s do it tonight
what’s a good time for everyone despite like time zones?
Ziggy was at work, taping up some posters in the windows that were essentially saying that the store needed more employees. Truthfully she didn't want to have to work with more people, but at the same time it would be nice to work a little less.
I should be on all day so I don't care
jax was walking down the street, and noticed the posters ziggy was putting up. he tilted his head and walked into the shop “yknow if you needed more workers you could’ve asked me.” he grinned
okay i might be able to be on now
"That's not how it works Jax." Ziggy rolled her eyes. "You'd have to ask me. But hey, you working here would definitely be better than some stranger."
Wynona was sitting on a bench at the park, tying the laces of her roller skates. She had picked up skating as a kid and it remained one of the few things she actually enjoyed doing.
“well then I’ll take the job.” jax nodded and looked around “whaaattt exactly would i need to do?”
"You basically just have to ask my manager for an interview." Ziggy said, finishing with the last poster. "Wait, are you serious?" she said, looking over at him.
“huh. alright.” jax nodded “yeah, i’m serious, why wouldn’t i be?”
Ziggy shrugged. "I just had no idea you were interested in working. Especially at this place, you know how boring it gets."
i’m so tired guys
Honestly same I kind of forgot I had to sleep last night
ainslie went to her house and was lying down on her bed sad and alone
“well i mean i gotta make money somehow, right?” jax shrugged “and hey, maybe it won’t be too boring cause i’ll be here now.”
i’m hefe for another like 5 hrs and there might be a group dinner which i will be skipping most likely
"Maybe I shouldn't have taken the boring for granted." Ziggy walked back over to the counter and started to write something down. "I'll never have a moment of peace and quiet again."
jade’s aunt was concocting a potion in her basement so she can poison the whole town and blame it on the mayor so she assert her place in world domination
“awww cmonnnnn” jax laughed “i’ll be great company!”
jade’s aunt supervillain
what a character
ainslie needs friends
i might kill her off
she is useless
layne swam ooooo
corey drank his drink ooooooooo
Ainsle has Ziggy
"Yeah I know." Ziggy grinned and handed Jax the paper which had her manager's phone number written on it.
jax tilted his head “so i’m guessing i have to call your manager?”
"I did say that, yes." Ziggy nodded
“Right. okay.” Jax shrugged an pulled his phone out, calling the manager
"Oh you're just doing that...right now." Ziggy looked a little shocked.
“yes i am.” jax nodded, grinning
where r ur ppl
idk lol
i can’t like actively rp until like after 6
but i want to lol
hello party people
Hey I can be here again
Ziggy shook her head. "Jax...you are truly determined to get that job, huh?"
i’m hanging out with like three freshman and it’s very interesting to say the least
“Yes I am.” jax nodded and started talking with the manager cause i’m too lazy to write tjay out
idk why but first I red that as talking out and then my mind went that made no sense and it turned into making out
which also makes no sense
ainslie sat at the beach alone staring into the sea. her eyes were red and puffy and she was drinking a bottle of alcohol
corey was walking around town happily and enjoying the weather
layne was sitting at the park reading a book
rp time yeahhh
ill just to with myself
try and progress my story myself
Lauren was walking to the beach
Cole was in his van
I'm back
Ziggy watched Jax with an amused look on her face, while absentmindedly scribbling on her note pad.
Wynona was skating around the park, trying to enjoy the little free time she had.
hmmm actually i want corey and wynona to hang out
corey sees wynona and waves at her. he then walks up to her excitedly and said “hey!”
ainslie walked down the beach shore sad. she had her arms crossed and a letter in her hand that she received yesterday which has severely distressed her.
layne was playing videogames at the arcade, he was good or something
Wynona gracefully came to a stop and turned to face Corey. "Oh. It's you again."
corey laughed and said “glad you missed me so much!”
Wynona tilted her head to the side. "I didn't. I've spoken to you once and I don't even know you yet."
corey jokingly frowned and said “maybe one day you will. thats all im hoping for”
Wynona shrugged. "Honestly I don't see why you want to get to know me, I'm not particularly interesting."
corey said “i think your interesting, youre mysterious and i want to get to know you more.”
ainslie walked around and went to distract herself so she went to wherever ziggy is at
hello :)))
i was so inactive last weekend 😭😭😭
"There's not much to know." Wynona said.
its okay the only thing we did last week was investigations and starting to plan a ball
corey smiled and said “well whats your favorite snack?”
i wont do that again
i love the cat emojis
this chat will soon become just me
layne was having fun by himself at the arcade
i need to change into my pajamas
then i’ll be on
I'm back
Sorry I had to go eat and forgot to say so
"I don't have one." Wynona said. "I have no food preferences."
its okay
corey said “well my favorite snack are chips. i dont know why but they are” he smiled and said “you sure you dont have a favorite food? no meal you go to when you need some comforting?”
okay hi now i’m eating dinner
enjoy your meal!
thank you!!
will be on very soon :D
come back
Wynona shook he head. "No, not really. People use food as comfort?"
hello & happy friday :)
sorry i was MIA last weekend (if anyone noticed) i was quite busy but i am here!!
fill me in on what i missed
Honestly not much, most people weren't that active
it was just ur usual murder investigation week
but we are having a debutante ball
im back
corey shrugged and said “i dont know if most people do but i do. it makes me feel better from the rest of the world. like even if i have nobody i have food.” he laughs awkwardly and said “yeah its stupid i know…”
debutante ball is next week i think
Jade’s aunt had been spending an excessive amount of time at home recently— much to Jade’s avail— which means, in the time being, Jade was trying to keep herself busy and out of the house. She’d been to ballet and worked out a new cheer dance with the coach…now she was she wandering around out of boredom.
maybe the week after that so ppl have more time to ask depending
oop i’m back sorry i was at lunch with my grandma
jax idk talked to ziggy’s manager and used his charm and boom he got the job 🤭
I just ate dinner-
metoo lmaoo
"Oh it's definitely stupid." Wynona nodded.
"So, how'd it go?" Ziggy asked once she noticed Jax was off the phone.
“i think your boss likes me. I got the job.” he grinned, crossing his arms. “now i get to bother you even more.”
yes lunch. it’s only 4:10 here 🧍
well i mean we ate at like 2
puck uh…existed???
ren also existed
how slay of them
whose getting murdered this weekend
murder!!! 🥳
im back
"Oh joy." Ziggy rolled her eyes but she was grinning. "Lucky me."
hello brooke
hi Brooke :)))
i’m making the debutante invitation
I don't know you guys haven't given me anyone to murder
should it be the 16th or the 23rd
Not the 23rd
corey laughed more “yeah yeah but hey it could be worse! i could be allergic to that food”
Jamo and I will probably not be here the 23rd
oh yeah good point
“awww cmonnnn you’re exciteddd.” jax said, furrowing his brows
yeah I have a wedding on the 23
"You have a strange obsession with food." Wynona commented.
ah yes
the 23
here i’m gonna make a throw away chatacter for elisza to kill off
"Ah maybe a little." Ziggy admitted
so the 16th?
yea please :)
i think that works :0
ainslie was at this little cove at the end of the beach and started crying. she fell to her knees and cried once she knew no one could see her at her weakest moment. she cried because she was alone, alone like always.
or we could do a sunday
That's probably fine
either works
Ainsle, Ziggy, and Ren need to have their movie night at some point
i think caroline said she’s busy on the 16th tho
any time that weekend works for me
elisza i have made a throwaway chatacter to be murdered
just not the weekend of the 23rd
jax placed his hands on his hips triumphantly “hah! good.”
okay what abt the 30th??
Thank you I appreciate the victims
that also works
"You'd better not get me fired though." Ziggy said
corey nodded and said “yes, yes i do” he then looked around and said “so…you wanna do something fun?”
"Depends on what you're idea of fun is." Wynona said.
corey the suggested “wanna go to the arcade? i heard they have fun games”
I'm just gonna reuse the yearbook sign up from the last rp because the search thing is not working right now and I'm out of patience
“i won’t do that.” jax nodded “i promise to not get you fired.”
Wynona shrugged. "Arcades aren't really my thing to be honest."
i just made myself bleed 🥰 accidentally scratched myself with my nail tryna open something
"Good. I need the job." Ziggy said
omg are you okay?
corey then put his finger on his chin and suggested “beach?”
puck was painting a summer window display for the bakery (because I LOVE season window paintings). she balanced on a stool, reaching up to paint the outline on the umbrella.
“honestly.. so do i..” jax groaned
yep :) got a bandaid and I’m all good now. I’ve never done that before 😭
"Alright. I do like the beach." Wynona said.
"What, Ren getting too expensive?" Ziggy asked
corey smiled and said “then lets go to the beach and take a nice long walk and maybe, just maybe, you’ll tell your favorite food because im convinced you have one and youre just not telling me”
layne walked around and saw puck painting and said “ooo it looks good so far!”
"I wouldn't bother if I were you." Wynona said. "I really don't have one. I don't have food preferences."
“Ehh.. that and the rent of our apartment.” he shrugged
"How are you even paying for that now?" Ziggy asked, packing up her bag as her shift was over.
corey said “but cant you just lie to make me feel better?” he then jokingly quivered his lip and held his hands together “please lie about your favorite food, for me please” he then struggled to hold in his laughter
Wynona frowned. "Why would I do that?" she asked
“Foster care pays most of it until Ren turns 18. Then it’s up to us.” jax said
whoops back
corey shrugged and said “i dont know. just because it would make me feel happy”
i was trying to type hello
puck pauses to lean back, setting a hand on her hip while she observes it. “thank you, I think so too. but I feel like it’s missing something? it’s supposed to be a beach day but it’s feeling…less beachy than I wanted.”
"Ah, got it. If you ever need help I'm sure my dad would help out." Ziggy grabbed her bag and headed for the door. "Hey, maybe he'll adopt you too."
okay time to rp
jade was walking yee yee
"Interesting." Wynona said, and then she sat down on a bunch to untie her skates.
okay im back
oh you all left
layne tilted his head and said “maybe add a shark, i heard they bring joy to everyone who sees them”
jade was on a jog with her headphones in— trying to get out and away from the house. She needed to clear her head
ainslie was in a bathroom fixing her makeup and doing everything she can to make it look like she wasn’t crying. she then looked into a mirror and tried faking a smile. she was good at it, but every shortly after she just stared at her reflection with a blank face for a long time.
back 😭😭😭
just ate dinner
“Uh, I mean he technically could do that.” Jax shrugged, followinf after her
puck tilts her head, looking down at him. she’s taller than him now 😎 makes her feel ✨superior✨. “I’m really not sure they do,” she laughs. “but I’ve never seen a shark, so what experience do I have?”
layne laughs “neither have i, but if we’re lucky no one else has seen one either so they can’t technically tell you your shark would be drawn inaccurately!”
jade sat down on a bench, scrolling through her phone, music blaring in her ears. Her aunt had been keeping a tighter grasps on her recently, so she wasn’t able to constantly see her friends. she then flipped open her phone, “hey” she texted ainslie, “how are you?” she asked
“you make a valid point,” puck nods, climbing off her stool. “alright, you’ve convinced me. a happy shark to make everyone else happy too.” she says. Puck pushes the stool away so she can stand in its place, trying to figure out the proper shark placement. “so, how have you been? i haven’t really seen you since…you know, it all happened.”
"Wanna grab dinner?" Ziggy asked, heading for her car.
Guys I ran into one of the girls I used to go to school with-
i killed the chat 😔
bye bye chat :(
“yeah. dinner sounds great.” jax nodded, following her and getting in the passengers seat
im back
sorry i was having dinner
Ziggy started the car. "You got any preferences on where we go?"
ainslie texted back “good. you?” she wasnt good though, but she didnt feel like telling anyone what happened to her recently
“uhhh.. not really. whatever works.” jax shrugged
layne said “i was pretty bad at first- since jaime was my ex and all…but im better now. ive been hanging out with friends and i broke into the mayor’s office” he laughs “how about you? how have you been?”
“not breaking into the mayors office, that’s for sure. I’ve been staying on the right side of the law. i had food with Jade a while ago, went shopping…worked and worried.” puck shrugs. “I’m sorry about Jaime, by the way. I know you were uh…serious about her.” puck says. “find anything interesting in the mayors office?”
"Right. Let's just head to the diner then." Ziggy said
jade texted back, “i’m okay,” she said, despite being quite anxious. “I haven’t seen you since i was grounded lol, want to do something?” she asked
yes I am cc
my characters wandered
I genuinely forgot their names
Joey knocked on laynes door
Joey my guy layne isn’t home 😭 gonna go talk to his mom 😏😏😏
🎶Layne’s mom, has got it goin on🎶 she’s all I want, and I’ve waited for so long🎶
🎶Layne can’t you see, you’re just not the guy for me🎶
yes I want his mom
jax nodded “yeah. oh. i should probably get something for ren too.” he said
layne’s little sister mindy answered the door and said “oh hey joey, layne’s not home if youre looking for him”
you get his annoying little sister instead
“mindy! you’re so tall! here are some day old cookies,” joey smiled
layne shrugged and said “weird news papers and stuff but the most interesting thing we found was this bloody tarot card of a tower or something. we still don’t really know who put it there and why but we will definitely solve it soon- well jade and lauren will solve it while i joke around”
ainslie texted back “yeah definitely, what do you want to do?”
mindy laughed and said “thanks for the cookies! you wanna come inside? he should be coming home soon”
puck wrinkles her nose, “disturbing.” she says. “but if anyones going to figure it out, it’ll be Jade and Lauren. if they don’t get mur- nevermind.” she side eyes Layne. nothing bad ever happens to the two popular girls in Murder movies or books.
layne said “dont worry, they’re very smart and competent. if anything i could see them killing the murderer if they try to attack them.”
welcome to the party
jade removed her headphones, placing them in her bag. “up to you,” jade responded, “we can go to the beach or a restaurant or the movies,” she suggested, sending the text before looking into one of those folding mirror things
funny bc I just got back from a party
onto the next ig
ainslie texted back “lets go to a restaurant. im actually pretty hungry right now”
Lauren was in the diner alone
Cole was in his van again
“i’ll meet you there :),” jade said, putting back on her headphones and beginning to walk to the restaurant. She opened the door, waiting for ainslie.
“you’re probably right,” puck says. “it’s too bad you weren’t there when the card was originally read. then you’d at least know if it was reversed or upright. worse for us I guess, if it was upright.” she laughs. “if you believe in that stuff.”
sorry ✌️ had to drag some wood up my stairs :)
ainslie fixed her makeup one last time and she decided to go to the restaurant and sat down in front of jade smiling “hey!”
"Eh, Ren is old enough to handle their own food Jax." Ziggy said
who is available 😫
oh nvm your back!!!!
corey asked wynona as they walked down the beach together “why do you like the beach so much?”
none of my people shockingly
jade returned a bright smile, “hey!” she said, looking at the menu, but fiddling with her f1ngers under the table, “it’s been awhile,” she laughed lightly, “what have you been up to?” she asked
jade’s aunt
Wynona shrugged. "It's peaceful I guess."
she’s avaliable
layne laughed with her and said “no i personally don’t believe in it but you never know”
ainslie’s mom is free
the three girls’ legal guardians just have a little tea party meet up
ok but what how is nobody available
I love that my town is celebrating fourth of july four days later
corey is with wynona on the beach, ainslie is meeting up with jade at a restaurant, and layne is talking to puck as she paints a window
she’s painting a shark 🥳
wait what why four days later 😭😭
Because they make more money this way
jade’s aunt dali decided to leave the house after working from home for the entirety of the last week. she looked like a proper business woman with the sunglasses, slicked back bun, and black mercedes.
jade’s aunt is out in the world guys
wow she’s an actual character now
corey said “yeah it is…have you been to the beach often?”
every week jade’s aunt is becoming more and more like a main character
ainslie was silent for a bit and said “just some family stuff…but besides that ive been spending the past like 2 weeks by myself doing nothing. you?”
Lauren looked out the window?
puck steps back from the now completed shark. “what do we think? sufficiently beach-ish?” she asks Layne.
i like how thats a question
did lauren look out a window? who knows
did she look out the window? i don’t know
well idk what to do with her
so idk did she look out a window?
i have no clue either
layne nodded and said “if thats no beachy then i dont know what it!” he then held his hand up for a high five
jade’s aunt continued to drive— she was heading to the country club to help assist the debutante ball. She was taking a vacation *kind of* from work and thought to see how well the ball was going. Jade, of course, was obliged to attend.
"Depends on how often I need to go for you to consider it often." Wynona said.
you could have lauren join jade and ainslie’s dinner thing
jade said, “honestly, kind of the same— i’ve seen a couple of friends like last weekend, but yeah— family stuff,” jade nodded. she then put down her menu, recognizing ainslie’s silence, “are you okay?” she asked.
or you can go have a nice long discussion with auntie dali
puck high-fives him back, grinning. “fabulous. now it gets to stay up until Halloween.” she picks up some of the paints. “will you grab the rest so I can put them away? just in the back room.” she asks.
corey chuckled a bit and said “ive noticed you give the most vague answers”
I like the first option better no offense kat 😖
but Lauren will not be randomly showing up
full offence Kat 😤
ainslie nodded and said “its just…im a little thrown off by something that happened yesterday…sorry if im a bit zoned out or something. my mind is just somewhere else right now…”
Wynona rolled her eyes. "Yes, my mother reminds me on a daily basis. Says I'll never make friends this way. Lucky for her I don't want any."
Also friendly reminder there's a yearbook sign up thing in the remixes
someone invite her
corey then smiled and said “lucky for her you have me”
oh yes yes
Wynona looked at him and tilted her head to the side. "We aren't friends."
layne nods and said “of course!” and helped puck get the other paint supplies and bring them in
corey said “not yet, but i hope we could be.”
"Don't get your hopes up." Wynona said. Truthfully her only friends were ones who she had built up trust with for years, as it took her an incredibly long time to open up to people.
please will someone have their character wear a juicy track suit for their yearbook picture 😭😭😭
jade said, “no you’re good,” she smiled softly, “do you want to talk about it or—?” she asked
I will actively refuse to draw that
Man why does everyone in this town dress like a model
corey laughed and said “too late. im determined to make you be my friend.”
guys should Lauren just walk in or
"Oh. Lovely." Wynona said
“thank you,” puck says sweetly, carrying them through the shop. she sets the paints on a shelf in a little storage closet, before walking back towards the front. “you want anything to eat?” she asks. “I know how strenuous carrying little paints is,” she jokes.
dress them like Disney characters 👀 Ashley tisdale red carpet looks
Lauren went to wherever Jade and Ainslie were and sat down without a word
ainslie thought for a moment and said “not really…but if you’re curious my dad wrote me a letter. he wants to meet me.”
Are we having the funeral tonight or not I think I missed the decision on tha
yeah sure funeral tonight
lets get this down and over with
sorry jaime 🙄🙄
layne jokingly wipes sweat from his forehead and says “you know what i think a treat sounds perfect”
ugh, can’t believe Jaime is inconveniencing everyone with a funeral for her death 😒
ugh what a loser🙄🙄
she could’ve chosen another day my god
Should we say in like, half an hour so people can wrap up conversations?
jade nodded before saying, “yeah family issues are rough and personal. i get it. i don’t know much about your day, but i’m here to talk if you need to,” jade assured her before turning to lauren, “hey!” she greeted her, handing her a menu
corey chuckles and said “what do you wanna do or talk about?”
i might go to bed soon so idek if i’ll be here for jaimes funeral
i’ve had a long day
it’s okay, we’ll just know in our hearts that jaime possessed jade and now is using her body to keep living in the mortal plane
yep that sounds good
ainslie nodded and smiled at lauren and said “hey girl, how have you been?”
puck claps her hands together, gesturing to the storefront. “We have donuts, cupcakes, coffee cakes, cinnamon rolls, muffins, and cookies. pick your poison.” she says.
wow I love them not acknowledging Lauren’s existence
they literally just did
come on Lauren get with the program 🙄
layne says “ooo cinnamon rolls, theyre my favorite”
I didn’t see that
my bad
I was too busy crying again HAHAHA
anyway I’ll answer
are you okay carol?
puck mumbles something about Layne probably being a sticky child, but grabs him a roll anyways. she hands it to him in a box, holding a cookie herself. after a few moments of silence, she asks, “Are you going to Jaimes funeral tonight? i know we just talked about how it’s hard for you.”
you good Carl???
Lauren shrugged. “I’ve been fine. haven’t exactly been having the summer that I anticipated, but… at least I made a new.. friend!” she nodded slowly and looked down at her lap. “uh- what bout you guys?”
I saw Jack’s mom tn
and we talked and it made me sad
she hugged me and that made me sadder
awwww that’s nice but also sad, I get it :(
and then I tried telling natalie and she was like “why would that make you sad”
like girl if you’d been trying to reach out at all you’d know exactly why that made me sad
I can’t stand her anymore
she doesn’t care but she hangs out with literally all her other friends every day
oh um hi
i literally went to my friends house and forgot to come on here SORRY
hi Bella
ignore me I’m emotional
anyway let’s rp!
that sucks Caroline, I wish I was there so I could be more helpful 😭
layne nodded and said “yeah…i think it will be good for me. like a final goodbye.”
poor carol ily
omg hey bella
hello brooke!!
I wish you were here too!
I bet you give good hugs
i give great hugs 😤
ainslie said “just family stuff, my dad is trying to contact me for some reason.” she then smiles and leans in “and who is this new friend you made?”
jade said, “i’m fine,” fiddling her fingers underneath the table once more, “um yeah— who’s this friend?” jade quipped alongside ainslie, nudging her slightly
i’m so tired little children are so exhausting
puck takes a bite of her cookie. “that’s good, I’m proud of you. have you thought about seeing a therapist or something? for grief counseling or something?” she asks.
Lauren nodded. “ah, that’s tough.” then she smiled. “oh, uh, his name is Corey! he’s new here I think? oh” she turned to Jade. “you met him that one day. at the beach. with that other guy… Calvin? Cole? I don’t remember.”
fax, I don’t know how my friends are camp counselors 😭
I agree Bella
I guarded a party today from 6-9 and omg
the kid’s party was America themed 😭😭😭
spelled guard wrong twice
what is wrong with me
I giggled
yes that’s exactly how I spent my Friday night
“Briefly,” Jade commented, before saying, “So how did you guys become friends?” she asked, “like did you see each other again?”
Lauren paused. “oh. well, uh. yes. we went to a pop up carnival last week. and then we went to the beach. it was fun!” she didn’t realize how fast she was talking and how much she was smiling
i think I’m going to bed actually guys 😭 I was up so early this morning.
tell me how the funeral goes :)
I'm probably gonna head to sleep too because I forgot to sleep last night
oops i’m alive
elisza if yoh don’t sleep i’ll
oh wow threatening
that was not as threatening as i wanted it to be
Wow I'm so intimidated
someone pls b on
good morning
i have no motivation to go to this yearbook thing this morning
como estas
hey guys i wont be as active this morning because turns out my phone didnt charge at all last night for some reason and im at 5%
good morning
hey is anyone here?
i was at a swim meet but I can rp now
i hit more curbs today than i have for the past year😭
curbs are apparently not my friend today
i’m very rarely hit curbs but today is just not my day
Lauren was in the library, looking for a certain book.
time to wait
let’s rp pls
layne was at the beach
ainslie was at the park
corey was at the cafe
and she left 😔😔
hold on
Lauren had found some books that might have some information on what she was looking for and decided to camp out in her car in a parking lot near the beach. she skimmed through the first book.
layne was with lauren suddenly and said “cool books, what are they about?”
Lauren jumped and dropped her book on the floor of her car. “oh my gosh, layne.” she held her heart and looked up at the sky. “when on earth? how-“ she stuttered.
layne laughed and said “im like a ghost, i am everywhere and nowhere, ooooo”
is Corey avoiding Lauren 😫
jade was on a hot girl walk because idk well i do but idk
did lauren contact corey because then sorry i didnt see that 😭
Lauren punched him playfully. “yeah? well don’t give me a heart attack next time you want to play ghost.”
they were around the same area so yeah 🙄
okay ill have corey meet lauren in a but
ainslie can meet with jade
layne smirks and said “no promises, you can take me out of the ghost but you cant take the ghost out of me”
oh hey
larty time
Lauren shook her head and side eyed him, then looked down at her book, picking it up. “anyway… I’m reading up on… astrology… and tarot?” she frowned. “I don’t understand this at all,” she said flipping through the pages.
sorry for the late responses some kid is telling me his life story
I’m not joking check the group chat
layne said “this is about the tarot card we found right? do you think there might be more somewhere out there in this town?”
your reactions were funnier like i started laughing when you said “no way”
i’m so exhausted
jade was walking
Lauren nodded. “yeah. it just makes no sense. i knew astrology was weird but what does it have to do with like… sacrifices?”
layne shrugged and said “maybe there is someone in town or someone in our school who may know a thing or two about all this stuff, maybe they could help us figure this tarot card thing out”
ainslie walks into jade and said “hey girl”
Lauren shook her head. “it’s fine, I’ve been saying that since last week. we aren’t gonna get it done. i just need to read up on what the card means. it’s in… one of these books.” she closed the one in her hands.
it’s not like jade researched or said what the card meant last week lmaoo
i wasn’t there
jade was caught off guard, “oh— hey,” she smiled brightly, “where you heading?” she asked
yeah lol
layne said “well do you want any help reading? i may not be the brightest but i can read”
Lauren shook her head. “no, it’s fine. i think I just need to do my own research. if there are other cards in the town I want to fully understand. it’s a me thing.” she smiled softly.
ainslie said “oh i was just heading on a walk to clear my head, you?”
“same,” jade sighed, sitting down on a conveniently placed bench, “is it your dad?” she asked, removing her headphones
layne nodded and said “oh i understand, but if you need help with learning anything you can always come to me” he then gets up and says “im gonna try and do more investigating around town”
ainslie nodded and said “yeah…its just i haven’t seen or spoken to him in a really long time and all of a sudden he is trying to reach out to me and act like he didnt abandon me and my mom…”
Lauren nodded. “oh! okay, uh… i think I’m gonna pass on that for today.”
layne smiled and said “dont worry, ill tell you and jade about everything i can find. have fun learning astrology!” he then walked off to go on his long walking journey to the town’s police station to investigate
now corey and lauren can hangout
corey walks around and sees lauren from a distance. he shouts “hey lauren!” and he smiles and waves at her
Lauren waved goodbye and put her books in the backseat. she looked back up at the sound of Corey’s voice and have him a big smile. “oh my gosh, hey Corey!”
corey walked up to her and said “hey! how are you? i havent seen you in awhile”
jade patted ainslie on her leg, “i’m sorry to hear that. i get that that’s not easy, and i don’t think it’s fair that he tries to waltz back into your life,” jade said, fiddling with her fingers.
Lauren turned to him. “oh, I’ve been fine. nothing new. what about you?”
im back
brooke hello
ainslie then asked “anything about you and your aunt?”
“same old same old,” jade sighed, shaking her head, “although, i think she’s lying about how my dad died. crazy i know,” jade responded, laughing a bit because she found the whole situation to be ridiculous but not unbelievable
corey shrugged and said “i tried making new friends and its not being so successful so far” he laughs
Lauren frowned a little. “oh. I’m sorry to hear that. it’ll get better, you probably just talked to the wrong person at the wrong time.”
ainslie chuckled a bit and said “life is $h!+ but i like to think everything will be okay at the end of it.” she looks at jade and says “i dont know if this will sound bad but i hope your dad really did die the way he did. you know like i hope your aunt didnt lie”
i spent the past 5 minutes trying to figure out what word wasnt letting me send it and was trying to fix the word bad
what is Corey doing
jade laughed lightly, “yeah, no i guess i do too. she told me that he died on impact— so painless,” she shrugged, “i was going to try to search through her office, but she’s been home all week because she’s helping to plan the debutante,” jade said, sighing a bit, “i like to think so to— i can’t wait to get out of this town. maybe have a sense of freedom,” she said, smiling softly, “i hope everything with your dad is eventually okay— regardless of whether you let him back into your life or not,”
what happened 😭
nothing LMAOO
unless ur asking what happened there^^
i’m going to see the movies and i guarantee once it starts this will be active
i meant what happened there yes
i sure hope it does
wow thanks
they’re just talking abt their life traumas😍😍
i was joking 😭😭
i meant what happened to Brooke
everything was fine and then she joked
LEFT* what
they were all friends…until they weren’t
corey nodded and said “well its okay, at least i have you! so what are you doing?”
ainslie then got an idea “what if we search her office during the debutante? like we make a plan and have you or someone search while she is at the debutante making sure everything is okay while it happens”
“umm… just chilling. thought it’d be nice to go to the beach but I haven’t really gotten the motivation to get out of my car yet?” Lauren laughed lightly, trying not to mention the books.
corey smiled and said “you wanna go to the beach?”
well im gonna go to bes
good night
good night
jade said, “that’s not a bad idea at all— or even a debutante practice,” jade said, beginning to think, “or even debutante prep! anytime where she’s out of the dance and dedicated to debutante and when i don’t have to be there,” jade said, “that’s such a good idea”
Lauren smiled. “yeah, let’s go!”
good morninggg
ainslie smiles and says “i am quite the genius aren’t i.” she then laughs and said “so do you know when the practices are?”
idc if its been 11 hours ill continue the conversation
corey and lauren decided it was late last night and agreed to go to the beach the next day, so now corey was at the beach waiting for lauren
see im smart i thought this through it makes sense now
yes yes
jade said, “you are,” smiling a bit, “l know there’s a practice every saturday leading up to the event and she’s going to be busy with decorations every other friday,”
ainslie said “so lets spend this week planning and next week lets starts snooping.”
Hey I'm actually gonna be here today
ooo welcome
Lauren arrived at the beach and looked around for Corey, shading her eyes. when she saw him she smiled and jogged over to him.
uh i’m here kinda 🧍
is the ball today
I think it's at the end of the month
everyone is so inactive today so far 😭😭
its okay
today is my dad’s birthday so im on and off
Im here hahsfvdvh
corey said “hi!”
god im such a good rper
i’ve been catching up on work i’ve missed lol
this weekend has just been a busy weekend for me
Lauren smiled and set her stuff down. “hey!” she looked him over and scratched her back. “it’s a nice day.”
jade smiled— hiding some sort of emotion behind it. was it anxiety? was it mischief? was it simultaneously the thrill of the thought of standing up to her aunt and the fear of learning what she was hiding? who knows. “sounds good to me. i still have to get an escort for the debutante, so i’ll just tell my aunt that i’ll be working on that. i’m assuming your mom is making you go too?” she asked
oh yeah ik it might be a bit late to ask this but what is a debutante ball?
i tried googling it but google says its like a coming out ball but idk
corey nodded and said “wanna go swimming?”
ainslie nodded and said “i dont know who to ask…i mena i wanna ask this person but they’re gonna say no.” he chuckled and looked at jade and said “but it doesnt matter, ill find someone eventually”
Honestly I have no idea what it is
And also, since you mentioned swimming, Jason's corpse is in the ocean with his eyes and tongue missing, as well as a wound across his chest
it’s just like a fancy ball like cotillion where you wear white and learn manners
it’s like a cotillion where you learn manners and how to dance and the girls wear white tbh idrk i just kind of stole it from tsitp😭
Lauren nodded. “well, that’s what we’re here for… I think?” she laughed and tapped his shoulder. “I’ll race you!”
jade said, “awww who is it?” she asked curiously
oh wow!!!!
so Lauren and Corey r gonna find him then
this rp started so strong 😭😭
hmmm who should found jason
oh yes dibs on corey
i wanna find the body this time 😸😸
corey swam *swish swish swish* and he saw something floating in the water. he said “hey lauren do you see that?”
ainslie shook her head smiling and said “ill tell you if you tell me who you like. dont think i forgot about our conversation at the party”
life form
today everyone takes like a while to reply and by everyone i mean me
why was i literally at target for so long what
corey swims closer and sees a dead body. he screams and swims back and said “lauren im gonna call 911, please stay safe” and he swam out of the water really fast and ran to his phone and called 911 about the body
i was at target earlier and got pop tarts because they were on sale
did you get anything?
what have I missed
i literally just found a dead body but thats all the fun that happened today
layne did absolutely nothing all week this is so unlike him
I barely am active
let’s add some joey layne drama
and maybe Ruby can help w the corpse
joey sat waiting for her coffee// Ruby was at the park
bro you could’ve waited a little
like let them have fun and then find it 😭😭😭
god dang
that’s the way to do it corey
yasss ruin the second date
jade said, “deal— you better not be playing me,” she said, squinting her eyes, laughing lightly, “i don’t know— i kind of like Layne. like before this summer, I didn’t really know much about him besides the fact that he was a really talented athlete. i don’t know— i feel like i’ve gotten closer to him and it’s more than a superficial relationship like oh he’s a football player and i’m a cheerleader,” jade said, looking at ainslie, “i don’t know. he’s also friendly with everyone, and the amount of times I tutored him— my aunt would never approve,” she said, laughing a bit and looking a way from ainslie, “i’ve never had an actual relationship before. just flings and hookups, but i don’t know…” jade said, looking back at ainslie, “your turn!”
the paragraphs have returned
i got a jean jacket and i’m gonna make a metalhead vest with it 💪
ren walked. jax walked. we all walked.
Lauren swag to see what he was talking about and shrieked. she swam closer to the shore and followed quick on Corey’s heels. “another one. there’s another one,” she muttered. she turned back and started pacing. this was the second murder.
It's called a battle jacket Jamo
I bought a jacket to make one but it just occurred to me I don't have anything to put on it-
jamo i did the quiz you just posted on your story
i got nancy with the caption yass girl queen slay😩
I did that quiz a while ago and to the surprise of no one I got Eddie
ALL OF MY ANSWERS I WAS LIKE “no I’m too girly I’m probably gonna get el or something” BUT NO CAP
all of these seem fitting tbh
Honestly yeah the quiz seems very accurate
which quiz
stranger things 4 government assigned kin
where did brooke gooooo
my friend couldn’t hang out tonight and i finished my hw so now it’s time to rp
Brooke come back
we need one of those summoning circles
can we pls
she needs to stop disappearing for hours on end 🙄
at least give us a warning
brooke brooke brooke
b r o o k e
b r o o k e
b r o o k e
b. r. o. o. n. k. e.
the fact lauren and jade didn’t get to talk this week
omg ur so right
it could’ve happened 😭
but Brooke decided to disappear 20 times a day without warning 🙄🏃‍♀️👍🛻😈😈🤣❤️🙂🤔
i’m curious to know ainslie crush
let’s just do it kat
we can send Jade and Lauren on a little side quest
and whenever Brooke comes back we can stop and go back to our original convos
sounds good
slay I’m so smart
where should they be
funky little side quest
the cafe or smth
sounds good
Heyyy guess who injured themselves :D
Lauren sat in the cafe and waited for Jade, who’d texted her about meeting up earlier that day
Santa Claus?!
jade headed over to the cafe, clutching whatever bag was trendy. “hey!” jade said, waving to her friend
No Caroline it was me
Lauren smiled and waved back. “hey! you look cute.”
oh thank god it wasn’t Santa Claus…..
what happened :o
but what happened r you ok
jade smiled, “thanks!!” she sat down in a chair, “you too,” she said, before asking, “what’s up with you? have you found an escort for the debutante ball?” she asked, smirking a bit
I sprained my ankle
By walking two feet
Lauren shrugged. “I think so. but I haven’t asked him yet. I kinda want to hang out with him more before I ask… we’re supposed to go to the beach today!” she didn’t realize how fast she was talking or how much she was smiling, or that she’d forgotten to tell Jade his name. “do you think there’s like, a certain day I should ask? like what if it’s too early? or too late?”
what the heck!
is this canonically before this afternoon☝️
I don't know my foot just spontaneously stopped working and then I tripped over it
I figured it would make more sense
bc Lauren would not want to be meeting up with Jade if she’d just found a dead body
or at least be talking like this 😭
just clarifying the timeline😭
i assumed it was before but i didn’t know how before
you know, i would be more confused but then i realize that once i’ve gotten out of bed and my legs just collapsed and i couldn’t stand for at least five minutes, so i guess sometimes body parts just stop working
I'm actually still confused so like...being confused is valid
“—who are you talking about?” jade abruptly cut her off, praying that it wasn’t rowan. although, she didn’t think it was.
Lauren paused. “oh-“ she analyzed Jade’s face for a second and a horrified expression came across her face. “do you really think I’d ever stoop that low?! I will not be asking my ex.” she blinked a few times and shook her head, then continued. “his name is Corey. and I think I like him.”
pov Lauren can read jade’s mind and jade’s mind only 😫
“girl, i don’t think so, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure you’re not,” jade said, shaking her head, “ohh the boy from the beach?” she said, acknowledging that she’d heard the name before, “well i mean, you’re going to need a partner for practice, so uh— better sooner than later,” jade said, flashing her a smile
Lauren nodded quickly, looking down at the table, then up at Jade. “you’re right. maybe I’ll ask today if I don’t chicken out.” she sighed. “but what about you?”
jade said, “i’m thinking about asking layne,” her answer was short and brief. she didn’t care to elaborate because feelings were ✨confusing✨ lol
Lauren furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Jade, wide eyed. “what?!” she covered her mouth. “oh my goodness, I might barf.”
“chill it’s debutante, it’s not like we’re getting married,” jade said, rolling her eyes. “at the very least, we’re friends. close friends— and my aunt will likely end up choosing a christian filipino guy against my will anyways so,” jade said, beginning to fidget with her f1ngers
Lauren took a deep breath. “okay. keep it platonic, please.” she massaged her forehead with one hand. “anyways…” she looked back up at Jade. “is there another reason you wanted to meet up besides catching up? we don’t usually make formal plans.”
jade scoffed softly, before changing the subject, “yeah, actually— you know how i was in a car crash when i was young?” she asked
Lauren nodded slowly. “yes…?”
“right— now look at this,” jade said, sliding a file across the table, “the mayor has been keeping tabs on my family since my aunt is running for mayor. typical,” she said, pausing for a moment, “but this doesn’t add up”
i will now proceed to text you the file☝️
Hi I'm back to complain about how much pain I'm in
i’m sorry
It's fine I'll live. It's not even that bad I'm just dramatic.
but how you got injured is quite confusing😭
Lauren opened the file and scrunched her nose. “huh?” she flipped through. “this is crazy, do you think…” she looked up at Jade again and spoke quieter, “do you think any of this relates to the murders? or like… is something else strange about this to you?”
do u have ur phone caroline
or should i remix it??
I don’t have my phone no
can i send it on insta
jade said, “no. it has nothing to do with the murders or esterville for that matter— it’s about my dad’s death,” she said, “it’s about my accident”
Lauren pressed her lips together and looked at the file again. “why would he need all of this info then?”
“i’ve said politics is a dirty game— my father is a politician. my aunt is an aspiring politician,” jade said, tapping her fingers on the table subconsciously, “it’s a smear campaign, they find whatever dirt they need and for some reason— this is what the mayor got his grimy little hands on,” she said before adding softly, “but the worse part about it— he has a good point,”
ig it would be my father was a politician lmaoo
bye bye leo
Lauren bit her cheek. “at least this is the worst he could do- it’s not the… shadiest thing ever, right?” she looked at her sideways. “what do you mean he has a good point?”
jade leaned back in her chair, laughing a bit, “you’ve met my aunt— a woman of many secrets. a woman who loves to uphold her reputation— the same woman who bought me a convertible just so i wouldn’t say anything about the black eye she gave me,” she said, looking down at the table, “i don’t remember much about the accident and i don’t remember much before the accident, but i sometimes have nightmares about a fire and loud sounds— i’ve never recalled a car crash,”
Lauren nodded. there was a crease in her forehead now. “so you’re saying…. you think your aunt did something? and it wasn’t actually a crash?”
I’m gonna go at 12 bc swim tomorrow
“i’m not sure,” jade admitted, “i just don’t think my dad died in a car crash, and if she’s lying about that, what else is she lying about?”
i’m assuming flashback is over then
what a dramatic ending
I just finished banana fish
I need a moment to recover 😭
man that was sad
so the ball?? Tn??
I need something to uplift my mood 😭😭😭
Sal it's July 30th-
MAN 😭😭🥲🥲
Silas was at the convenience store and Talin was hanging out at the park reading a book
we should keep this open td
We should I can't move and I'm already bored
Plus nobody found my corpse yet
ooh a new corpse
It's your corpse actually
no we found it
Oh you did?
it was brief though bc Brooke left without warning and hasn’t been back since
but yea we did
Ah got it
omg my corpse so slay 😍
omg good morning