im not accusing. im telling


im not accusing. im telling

2 0
Okie dokie. 👋🏻
okay byeđź‘‹
....huniiiii sakuracat didn’t hack u, u did, ur just framing her because she was exposing u on her acc, it doesn’t take a genius to work that out
also it would make for sense to frame sakuracat because she has less followers than her which means the less ppl believe her compare to Fangirlism_
honestly, I don’t think she could ever hack anyone. do you have any proof at all? if a collage got deleted, it was likely pc themselves deleting it or you blocked someone who had commented on it.
@pafoood yep that’s what I get
tell me hun, does it feel good? to know that you’ve framed someone, that you’re really just a liar. “stop the hate” was really just an act. a very wise woman once said that you can see how a person truly is when you tell someone something they don’t want to hear. so tell me. does it feel good? to frame me, just for a little petty revenge for something I called you out on? on something that you know I’m right about?
Honey, Grow tf up! your not in preschool so surely your not dumb enough to believe that sakuracat did it. Like seriously???
you even said you don’t want to fight now you are telling her it’s her fight?!?
pick an opinion and stick with it
you are such a hypocrite!!!!
#cuddle cats instead
also did you come up with the account name because I think you are oblivious to what it means
You aren’t even gone yet