Tc: you... Killed him


Tc: you... Killed him

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tb omg Mary what did you do
mary:oh sweetheart I killed one of your brothers
tc rlly you rlly had to do it runs off crying
I mean tb
police:put your hands up miss tc:-runs after her-
tb sits by a tree crying
tc:-sits next to her - don't worry he's in a better place now
tb whips her tears ya grr I'm just sad mad and angry
tc: I know how you feel
tb looks down at the ground which broth died
mary:I killed Springtrap honey!
tb Mary your just a monster smirks God iv been waiting to say that
mary:no im not tc:your a pysco! Mary!
tb ya you just literally killed my brother and your say that your not the monster turns her back away from Mary I don't think we can be friends no more Mary
tb yep I'm putting my foot down
*weeks later *
tb walks out of her house springtrap was the best brother ever
tc:are you ready to talk to Mary?
tb sigh idk yet
tc:come on
tb ok
-theywalk to Mary's asylum
tb sighs
-opens the the slide on the door -
tb grunts hello Mary
mary:humming - hi you two
tb stares at Mary why did you even kill springtrap
it's none of your business
I saw u liked my zebra post do u want it
tb tell me now
tb cmon like grr forget it I'm leaving walks away
fine I'll tell you
tb turns around I'm listening
I killed him because I was jealous
you could of just talked to him you didn't have to kill him
he wouldn't listen to me?! -tears up-
tb I do he just has problems listening his ears are bad remember
ik but he ignored me no matter what
tb sighs he dose do that a lot
yup but mostly with me
tb ya ... I'm sorry
it's ok
tb smiles and then sighs well at least I have Bonnie right
tc :-nods - yup
tb it's getting dark we should head home
tc:ok lets go bye Mary
tb bye Mary
bye whispers to her self - don't leave me :(
tb her ear twitches hmm what was that Mary I can stay with you um let me just call my parents and .....
tc:you mean your mom remember your dad cheated on her
oh ya hehehe
ok tb calls her mom after awhile she said yes
ok lets go!
k walks with tC we are back Mary
my mom said we could hang out with you for the night is that ok with you
yay so what you guys want to do
both: idk
we could play truth or dare
tc : no I have a bad past with that game
tb um ok
mary:what else can we do?
well um we could tell story's
mary:can I tell mine?
tb ya
mary:when I was seven years old I lived in Florida me and my family were happy there until one day...
tb sits down
well we were going to to Disney world and there was a knock on the door so me and my brother hide under the bed and...
tb what happens
well they...
they what
well... one guy shot our dad and the other stabbed my mom and my moms blood went one my face and they died
tb well at least your here now where do you live
tc:her and her brother live a cross from me :p
tb oh mangle walks out of her hous ok mom I'm going to go to the store to get the snacks
tc:tb do you a a story to tell
tb:oh um sure I guess mangle: *walks to the store*
tc:go on
tb: well it was a normal day we were going to whales tail for fun mangle: turns around and scares tb
tb mangle that's not funny mangle yes it is
tc:-trys to hide her laughter -
tb rolls eyes ok ok laugh it up
tc:I'm not laughing
tb ya right mangle: I have to go bye
mary:bye! tc: for real im not
no not for real tb bye
I'm not
ok tb now can I finish my story
mary:yes you can :p
tb ok so we where riding a ride and it was a bit high in the sky one
tb and um spring trap fell of one of his ears got tore off cuz the ride was broken I was ok
tc:what about Bonnie did anything happen to him? :p
tb ya he fell too but he grabbed onto the railing and I pulled him up we couldn't help spring trap but he was ok outher then his ear
tc:wow...Why would your parents let you guys go on that ride?!
well we didn't know and the people where running it so we thought it would be ok
tb well that's my story
mary:who's next!
tb hmm tc your turn
tb sits down again
tc:well... I was going to the statue of liberty with Chica
tb listens to tc
tc:there was like 183 steps and Chica and I all most fell all the way back down
tb :0
tc:Chica feel two steps down and broke her arm
tb ow
mary:-yawns- I'm tried
tb ya maybe we should call it a night
tc : yeah
tb yawns ok it's settled good night
tb good night puts her sleeping bag down and lays in it and falls asleep
tc:night mary:night!
tb good night
-early in the morning - tb lets go home
tb yawns ok
-they close the door -
tb walks home
tc:-opens the door -
tb opens her house door and walks in hi mom
hi Chica!