Does this even look good?Honestly I don't know!


Does this even look good?Honestly I don't know!

45 0
yay! tank you:3
you should make a art acc. I made one.
but I like to critique more than sugar coat. kinda 9 1/5. lol sorry
I thought about dat but I kinda want everything on ma page together!
oh no dats fine! it's ma really old drawing so...
9.5!! the face has some minor probs BUT DÀMN THE BODY IS LEGIT AWESOME
9 1/2 it's better than I could do
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 that's my rate
this looks GREAT!!
OOOH I miss read your comment. I thought YOU would wanna post it, lol. I do post art on the acc, but not all. I will on my art acc, tho.
oh lol ok!