I don’t know how I feel about this one... I don’t like it as much as the other ones. Maybe since it’s darker and not pastel?


I don’t know how I feel about this one... I don’t like it as much as the other ones. Maybe since it’s darker and not pastel?

36 0
oops wrong person sorry lol
thank you!!! 😊💕💕
wow this is so beautiful 😍💖
Hah, yea me too. We missed each other and she snuck up on me and gave me a back hug and we both started crying. And then she threw pink powder at my face and hair. And it stained my face and roots. ❤️
thanks for liking my post, I think your great too! your posts are great as well. I hope that what you say comes true!!
don’t know how you feel??? this is gorgeous!
re:// lol i was trying to make someone that was new to PC welcomed
re:// Thank you! Sorry for the REALLY late reply. ;-;
i think it still looks good even though it’s not really your aesthetic
this looks amazing, keep up the awesome work! your gallery is amazing