Follow her plz for me tnx


Follow her plz for me tnx

11 0
What do you mean? Nothing is wrong with you
No like my day is this word😂. Nothing is wrong with you, you are perfect:)
Alright😀, school basically:/
Hey it's okay, it was basically my fault:/. If you don't mind me asking, what happened in school?
Oh my, I'm so sorry. I would've been ticked off😡. Why would a stupid person do that to you. Uggh😤
Yeah, next time if that happens, you should definitely do that. They deserve it after that she did to you😡
Oh my gosh, I highly dislike people like that. 😡😤
They are just uptight and think they are better than others. I have a lot of those type of people on my school, so I know how you feel a little bit
I'm so sorry. It is the same with me a bit. If you ever need me let me know. Those girls have to go😡
Yeah, give her a piece of your mind