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josh.., who's the lucky girl💕
ash, your still amazing💙
courtney, everyone loves you✨
Britt, your super😘
Josh- haha secret
ash- nobody loves me :(
please tell me😊 I won't tell anyone!!
this is for everyone to see lol
ash- I love you!! (best friendly way)
please tell me josh *looks down and giggles*
hey it's Aiden
hey Aiden!
ash- thanks
Josh- no I can't *laughs*
josh!! *looks down and falls*
hey aiden ~Ashley
woah woah *picks u up* r u ok??
*whispers* no.. *talks louder* um yeah *smiles small*
omg what happened *feels ur head* ~Josh
hey me and Sarah broke up😔
*stares at ground and doesn't look up* people hurt me *kicks at dirt and falls again*
oh aiden I'm so sorry!!! *hugs u* ~ashley
*holds u up* what do u mean??
they b-bully me *cries scilently*
hugs Ashley back
I'm so sorry love ~Josh
Ashley- hey Aiden talk to me on the remix
*hears people laughing atme*
*yells at them and they run away*
*limps and scars show on foot*
gtg sorry josh 😭 tysm
*watches u* bye and ur welcome
hey josh *limps*
*looks down sadly*
what's wrong?
people are mean and heartless