Mood. This made me burst out whisper-laughing in my family room


Mood. This made me burst out whisper-laughing in my family room

20 2
I'm writing something
Stoliver is going to be canon but remember kids, polyamory is a thing !
I'm writing something rn with Callie's family
it's finished!
I'm sorry I think I misread your comment
because if I didn't , I will gladly fight you , mate
what do you think polyamory is?
technically yes
but the difference between polyamory and cheating , is that everyone in the relationship knows and is okay with it
also sometimes it's three or more people who are all in a relationship together instead of just one person who has several partners that aren't dating each other
well it's going to be canon anyway so do you want me to stop remixing any thing involving Oliver and romance?
its a meme
its from the original rudolph movie
okay then
if it helps the ship probably won't be canon until they're in high school and right now they're in seventh grade
I wrote some stuff
do you want to read it or not?