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congrats!! and @caption: I don’t know where we go, but I know that when we dream it’s our brain trying to make sense of what it saw either that day or recently o.O
you can you to a tree then set up a hammock, but if there's only one tree pant another one. 5 years go by and you now have two trees! you tie up the hammock and lay in it. but the first tree (the one you didn't plant) is so old dat it falls on you. then you die. so don't do dat
BOM a story in only one comment 😂
that’s incredible!! aaaahhh! I’m so proud of you my dude! ur doing so great skREEEEEEEEE
YESSSSSS CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOOOOUUUUU! And @caption: Physically, we don’t go anywhere. Mentally, the possibilities are endless.