Collage by sad-being-alive


46 28
hope ur ok
you don't bother people, you are a gift to our planet🌸
thank you
not really
hey never think your not worth wouldn't be here if you weren't strong enough to live this life🙏🏻💫
you are so talented and beautiful in so many ways! Everyone has a place in the world and u deserve to live! ur obviously struggling with negative thoughts so maybe u could try seeing a therapist or something? I'm here if u ever want to chat or anything
thank you x I'm already seeing a therapist
hey stay strong
ayy dont think that😢
me too
y do u feel like this is there a reason or u dont no?
because my best friend ditches me everyday. she says that she will stay with me and then she goes off with another girl
what kind of best friend is that? Y don't u try to talk to ur best friend about this?
BFFs r supposed to be like the sibling u never had......
I am so dam mad
stay positive
omg who would do that i mean tbh i have done that to to be with my boyfriend
you r amazing don't ever think different