Relapse is on my mind right now


Relapse is on my mind right now

147 2
hi how old r u
I know how this feels
I'm 13 why?
@caption same but please don't hurt yourself. please be safe.
I won't if you won't you matter
hold on 💖
I was younger so this may be nothing to you but my best friends(that I have been friends with for 5 year at that time) had ignored me for two months because I was framed by one of my other friend who didn't actually like me everyday I felt like I was being bullied and didn't want to go to school I had no one to talk to and all they did was talk behind my back sharing my every secret all because someone I thought I could trust was my friend yet she hated me....I should have killed her the second I had that chance
why are you suffering? we can help you💕
I do that xx😭💕
I'm here to talk mate
I've been doing that for a year