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Yes.... And yea I already heard!!! Ugh I really don't want Pokemon Z wit I really want is a remake of Sinnoh (Pearl, Diamond and Plantnuim)
No I don't see it
But I just checked and it says it's gonna be on a movie and the Pokemon is man made AND, it is 500 years old! Cool
I hunk it is fairy and steel
But for sure its a lengendary Pokemon
Sorry I meant I think it's a fairy type and steel type
They should make a dragon-fairy type! They should call it the fantasy Pokemon!
We should make a chat page for Pokemon fans only! It would so awesome! But the only rule is: ONLY POKEMON, and no fights! (Like when people just ruin the convo by talking bout something else) only MAJOR fans who know A LOT of Pokemon like u and me
But magiana is its Japanese name, so it might have a different name in English
No I'm pretty sure if they make one remake of one game (if other games are in the same region) they will make a remake of Diamond and Pearl. (I have Diamond, my first Pokemon game, and when I beat it I was crying because it took me 4 years of stupidness to beat it) don't judge me I was only 6 when I got I
I choose Piplup
Me and my sis used to battle
Pokemon life span: Diamond,6. Gold,8. Black vr one,10. X,10. (The ages in order. Diamond and black r my faves
Now my Piplup is a empolion 😢. I miss him! (I never sell my games