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can u show me a picture
omg jay I'm so sorry I forgot to get u a present I feel so awful 😁
I didn't expect u to anyway it's fine lol
ps if your having a party you don't have to invite me cuz I didn't invite you but if you are can you give your phone number to lilacpetal
well I asked my parents if I can have some family members come on Monday and thought if you and lilac can come so there thinking about it but I haven't told them about u guys might coming but just coz u didn't invite me to your b day don't mean that I can't invite you and I totally understand why so we'll see ok
ok I asked my mum and she said we can work it out
ok but ya don't have 2! :) I'm happy anyways
I'm serious u guys have been there for me all the time and I really own it to u please 😋
I know lilacs phone number but I forgot yours so we got a problem
don't worry lilac and I sort it out 😃✊
my phone no is the same except 2 numbers
2 numbers ? what do u mean by that
her phone and my phone are the same except 4 the last 2 numbers cuz we live really close to her
yeah I know plus I know what the last two numbers are so I can call you soon k but it probably have to be today tomorrow I off to my dads so I can't call tomorrow but today is that ok and can u tell me the time you want me to call
oops sorry wasn't on 20 hours ago lol oops
fmaybe ring me later :) if u can lol I had to go clothes shopping cuz nuthing fits me lol that's why I wasn't one then. maybe ring like after 10 cuz I have to go swimming lollol
sorry I'm at my dads but since i know your phone number maybe my mum can text your mum idk
dunno cuz that's my home phone. []_[] lol doesn't matter and ps im gonna buy ur prezzie tomorrow in the minecraft section :)
thx jay even though u really didn't have to and I only just saw this lol