hey grandlets.
sorry i didnt blog yesterday i bad no internet at the party! the party was fun until 2:00am in the morning. i was trying to get to sleep and when i did they all poked me, yelled in my ears, lifted up my limbs and dropped them. when i woke u


hey grandlets. sorry i didnt blog yesterday i bad no internet at the party! the party was fun until 2:00am in the morning. i was trying to get to sleep and when i did they all poked me, yelled in my ears, lifted up my limbs and dropped them. when i woke u

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how was that funny? 😦
idk! it drove me nuts. when i got home i slept from lunch till 3:16 then i lay down on the couch and fell asleep for an hour. i was so tired!
oh i forgot the shoutouts for the day go to katiecollage112 and mint10. CONGRATS👏
Sarah deleted my comments
i know i saw that! why tho