Collage by abstracttown


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awhh my parents are mad when I watch anime or I edit ... and first I couldn't get posters to because of parents but then I said really mad that it's unfair cause it's my room and then they said okay if you want but don't let that anime stuff distract youπŸ˜‘
πŸ˜‚ , when people say I don't have a life I say : well I have a life but then in an anime life so we live in different worldsπŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ€˜
I knowπŸ˜‚..
see ya have fun!! and GOOD LUCK TO YOUR COUSINS FROM HINATA!!πŸ’•πŸ˜œ
OH MY GOSH REALLY😱!!! you have an aunt that knows what anime is?!! that's so cool😝!!!
awhh KAZUHA.... I think you should talk it out and tell what you think like your thinking now that she's trying to make you not be her friend but maybe you should tell her that you think that and maybe there is a reason for that ..
btw!!xD..... if my vacation starts I'm maybe going to Dubai ( don't tell anyone thoπŸ˜‚ ) 😝😝
cool , maybe you've gotta practice moreπŸ€”
IT IS , I can't even get 1 so yeahπŸ˜‚πŸ‘
no... but I still know itπŸ˜… I'm not making an account cause my voice is horrible and I stay with dance I think but KAZUHA I need to tell you something😞 this was my worst day ever
well I just noticed that I'm being bullied.... I'm now thinking how could I not notice that ... 5 people , well 5 boys are bullying one says I have a big forehead and the others are just scolding me everyday just come to me ... it's like they want attention and today I just noticed that they never stop 😞 I feel like I'm worthless I feel like they can play me with me or something IM NOT A TOYπŸ˜‘πŸ‘ , I feel so low and horrible 😰 and today they said : I was a freak , geek and the scolded even my mother and how could I explain this ... look, I "had" 20 aunts and uncles.. I know that's a lot I don't even know 5 .... -,- but 12 died and they make fun of that .... 😞 ( sorry that I bother you with this )
okay thank you but when it's 12 at yours then it's mine 18:00πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
but thank you so much KAZUHA you really always help me!!)πŸ’•
no they are not well sometimes but the most of the time they just stand there and watch but one friend does come up for me but I can come up for myself but then I can get suspended πŸ˜… like if someone scold me I scold back but of course it doesn't end well.... cause I'm then like when someone scold my friends or hit them hard I'm not gonna step backπŸ˜… idk what has come to me today ... well yeah btw how was high school entrance test camp?😊
oh my gosh that's amazing I always make my own games in the science class when I'm bored but not alone ... but that's amazing!! but took a while before it was clear it was not that amazing cause it was really hard to make it trough the levels πŸ˜‚
well I think you should tell him how you feel cause you can't control your own feelings and I think that you never not liked him I think that you wanted that but I might have it wrong but you should tell him before its to late you can't let him just go cause you can't control your own feelings I tried so many times to forget that person who I like but I can't but I still try, IF YOU LIKE HIM TELL HIM AND GO FOR IT!!πŸ’•βœ¨
cause I'm already to late.. that person who I like liked me to but he thought that I didn't liked him so he moved on and he has a girlfriend.... but I still try to move on to but hope my advice helped
that's why you need to tell him .... but kazuha.... I know it's hard but that's why I never had with somebody ..... Cause I know I always get hurt... but I know that's not the right decision if you like somebody you go for it it's hard but it's always worth it In love there is not only love it's a fight between love and some hate in it .... I learned that and I don't know how and whyπŸ€”
I get you but if it still bother you you can come to me but I have to go now I have to buy something in the store *_* πŸ˜…πŸ’• talk to ya when I'm back!
say : true but still that's how I am πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ . I wanted to go to the store but my dad is still not home so now I have to wait for himπŸ˜‘ and yes kazuha πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ
it's okayπŸ˜‚ and my parents actually really thought about to go to Japan and then I said SO ARE WE GOING TO JAPAN and then he said : we?? no you when your older -_- , well... first he said that I never should go to Japan but now he said that I can go by myself when I'm older .. that's a change rightπŸ˜ŒπŸ™‚.... who am I kidding I have to wait 5 yearsπŸ˜‘ , but I asked about America and my sister said : I'm never going to America and then I said why?? and then she was thinking and she said : wait I think I want to go to America and then my face was like :πŸ˜‘ ..... // πŸ˜‚πŸ‘
whaha true!!😝 , but I'm sure if I "EVER" go to America I go to new yorkπŸ‘ I love new yorkπŸ˜‚ and then California.😏 but idk whenπŸ™ƒπŸ˜‚
oh okayπŸ™ƒ
I hate school!!😀😞 ( wow random ) I want summer break!!!😭 WAIT HOW LONG IS YOUR SUMMER BREAK?
mines start 14 July and ends at at the of August to I HAV ONLY 6 weeks summer vacation πŸ˜‘ πŸ˜‚ ,