Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


68 1
lol 😂😂
is that yours??
or the hostels?
and also can you guys do a face revel (sorry if too personal or you guys don't want to or something like that)
wait oh duh you guys can't cuz u don't want anyone knowing who your faces look like lol srry
At the hostel (and we won't be showing our faces)
and Britain… they scare me
what is it?!?!??!!!
Those things are creepy! I would've screamed as well😂
this brings back memories....
Creepy.. I would scream. Lol! You're not the only one Carla!
I think I can get this guy off you're back it would give me revenge sweet sweet revenge😈
that's scary
that's freaky
Lol, XD
😂😂my cousins have one and it's freaky
Carla, honestly I would do the same