I love this picture


I love this picture

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because I drew that picture of me and u before u did what u did
why did you do this to me you are such a player you now I know that you never cared about how I felt or my feelings I gave you the key to my world and to my heart and you destroyed it
c’mon Aron follow me please I’m sorry about what I said and just to tell you this but you can’t tell anyone I still love you and I always will your my world and your my happiness
hey Aron I hope your awake cause your the only person I can talk to right now cause everyone else is asleep so yeah I need to talk to you and it is really serious and it’s about my moms boyfriend and it’s about me getting abused by someone at school and he won’t stop and I don’t know what to do I mean your my brother so you should tell me what I should do cause I don’t know what to do anymore it’s like I’ve lost my purpose in life or the happiness or feeling in my life yeah that’s it I’ve lost the feelings I don’t feel love I don’t feel any emotions accept depression and please I need your help because this boy at school left a huge bruise on me and it hurts really badly so please help me thanks for being my best friend and my brother