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there are more traffic deaths than there are gun deaths in South Carolina. in fact, there have only been 37 gun deaths and 119 traffic deaths just this year alone.
Who cares, you use that same fact so much. That fact has absolutely no correlation with this post so get the füćk off
"get the fûçk off"? I don't think so.
Oh gee, I'm so scared. I feel threatened and I feel the need to delete your account right now.
Well surprise surprise I'm back and you obviously are mad because you wouldn't have even responded to that if you really didn't care about this page like you claim
Yeah you can delete this account as many times as you want but it won't stop me
I have more ways than you think to delete @r-c-s.
and yes, I do care about this account. I care if it's deleted because I'm so sick of you and I don't want myself or anyone else to have to deal with you anymore
Oh no I'm so scared, plus that's not me, I'm r_c_s
More people consider you a disturbance than they consider me a disturbance, most of the population is liberal, against your views that's just the way it is and you can't fix that. When I followed tons of people on my old account I hardly got any comments opposing me. Almost all comments were positive reinforcement of my beliefs and opinions. You have to face it, your account is just a bother to PC