i kinda want a confession page to be here but at the same time i know most confessions would be "I copied someone's collage 😔" or "I once saw a nàked person...😳😳"


i kinda want a confession page to be here but at the same time i know most confessions would be "I copied someone's collage 😔" or "I once saw a nàked person...😳😳"

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I once went through this phase in 2nd grade where I thought fûck meant happiness
Is that a good confession
im just imagining you as a kid saying "i love fùck" and just
my confession is that I ate a container of icing secretly for a couple weeks before finding out it was expired
I ate all of my sisters candy stash under her bed when I was on my period
oh i have another good one: once in 5th grade we had a quiz about the moon phases but me being me I only knew like half the stuff so I copied off a kid next to me and fast forward to now and we're now frens and turns out we cheated off each other (I got a C on the thing btws)
dàmn these good 👌🏻
when I was four I thought how children were made is when the parents take clay, mold the clay into the shape of a child, put the clay in a blander and make the mom drink it..
confession: "once I got bit by a duck"