Collage by satanic-lemon


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This is a debate because science is revealing that evolution is impossible on a cellular level. Go ahead, try to explain to me how every species on the planet came from a prokaryotic organism.
also please explain to me how it makes anymore sense that an invisible man in the sky made all of us?
cause that just sounds stupid
so then what was the purpose of being created at all? we just popped up one day? why??
we don't need a purpose to be living
and we didn't just pop up
when I say "we" I mean creation. it just spawned one day and evolved over time? why? why would it do that without there being some Higher Being?
because of the big band it didn't just pop up it evolved for billions of years
because of science elements bond forming new things
you still aren't answering my questions. there was a starting point, but how?
ok so the universe is about 13.8 million years old the start is the Big Bang this is when then universe was made it started at a small point and then expanded there's some math and proof to back this up
go watch crash course bug history #1
it explains the Big Bang
but why did it start? and how did the small point start? your "facts" don't offer any explanation as to why and that's a problem
how did God start? was he just there? cause that makes no sense?
you see we don't need a reason to exist we could be an accident
and the bug bang is on theory of how it happened which is popular because there is a lot of evidence to back it up
well thus far, I've heard none. give me some evidence besides "it just started and we don't need a purpose"
and do you have any evidence that God is real? and how was God made was he just there on day? cause that doesn't make any sense
it makes more sense then thinking everything just popped up spontaneous without purpose
no it's doesn't we don't need a purpose and we didn't just pop up it took billions of years for the universe to evolve and then for life to evolve itself
you see in my opinion that's why people believe in religion because it's nice and gives you a purpose but that doesn't mean it's real
and wait do you have any evidence? because science does
there's tons of evidence that proves that different events in the Bible happened
and there are also tons of unexplained events and miracles that really only make sense when you believe in God
like what?
science can explain tons of things sometimes our tiny brains can't comprehend it
how does God explain science proving things that never happens in the bible? like the universe being about 14 billion years old
we can't prove that it's that old because none of us were alive so what does it matter honestly
but we can look at some evidence and we have dated rocks of the earth back to about 3.8 billion years old
so we know that the world isn't as old as it should be according to the bible
"none of us were alive" Ye thas why science exists
none of us were alive in the Middle Ages so that must mean they never happened?????
I bet that you weren't alive during the 2nd world war so it mud be a myth
*cough* I haven't read any of the comments so someone may have said this but something can't come from nothing *cough*
*cough* also after reading some comments, I have to say that there is so much proof of God existing *cough*
and what is that proof?
and how did God end up here? cause he must of come of nothing? or did he have a creator?
that's what science is trying to find there are theories and science is looking for evidence everyday
and we have the word. trying. there is evidence but some people are still too stubborn to see it like, how did the Big Bang happen? I mean it definetly did but how did all that stuff get there? something cannot come from nothing
God has been there before the beginning and will be there after the end
we have the word?
if you mean the bible that proves nothing
lmaø science is stubborn no it's not if you came to a scientist with a fossil found in a rock layer they would take that into account and say we were wrong on this part
but if you tell a religious person we dated rock back to billions of years they would go that's not proof cause the bible said that can't happen
which we have done^^^
it's a debate because macroevolution has no proof
actually there is proof? we have fossils and can see similarities and have proof with dna
I'm not sure if Dna is the right word but basically scientists looked at the make up of humans and then monkeys and there was only a small difference which helps prove we are cousins
please state exactly where in the bible it says that the world was formed 6000 years ago.
and fyi, the Church isn't against evolution.
creationism believes the world to be that old
not every religious person is against evolution but creationism is