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post more tips because I like your tips and I do all of them I am giving you a shout out
really thanks! I'll post one now! xxx
I've not found true love haha 😂😂 I love your tips by the way
never mind- neither have I and I'm glad you do! xxx
I love ur tips!! thx for following me or else I never would have found u! Oh and I've liked a guy for like 14 months 😍
I'm glad you like them as your welcome 😉 and it must be love ❤️
omg I've liked my crush for about 7 months 👅 we got along together really well 💁 until it backfired and I did something horribly wrong and he just won't forgive me 😭 I don't know what to do ❤️😭 can u plz post a tip 😌💖
we'd run around and always talk about our secondary schools in class because me and him were the only ones in our class going to same secondary school ❤️ I love him ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ but he just won't talk to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
everyone in our class ( we're starting secondary this September ) said I had a crush on him 😔 I didn't want them to find out but they did 😭 because I foolishly trusted someone and I shall never trust them again 😒 and it was really sweet because the person I foolishly trusted told my crush I had a crush on him ❤️😭 but he didn't mind 😌✨
but he said he doesn't like me anymore 😭 and it hurts so much 💔 because I've ruined something big I never realised was so special between us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@basicallymeee I think you should give both boys some time and focus on some other friends. I know you really like them but you're only just starting secondary school! you have your whole life ahead of you there is loads of time for boyfriends for now concentrate on your education and girl friends! I will try and find a tip to post. but for now enjoy summer!
thank youuu ❤️✨
Wow I love your tips! ✨ I've had a crush on the same person for 1 and a half years... I'm not sure if that's weird or not 😅
@pineapple_ninja I'm really glad you enjoy them! and no it's not I've had a crush for about 3 years! 😂