Collage by GetOutLiana_


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Emily.. I'm sorry, I did this to you 😔💗
*a tear rolls down my face* I will make them better.. I-I p-promise
*hugs you* They will disappear.. Not physically but mentally..
*looks at you* Please... Can we start over again? A second chance?
I-I'm sorry.. I already said this.. I was super busy with school.. I'm here now and I'm not leaving.. I love you too much to let you go and I just can't live without you.. I need a chance.. to start over.. So I can make it up to you, so I can show you my full potential.. I hate seeing you like this.. I just want to love you, To be with you, To never leave you.. Emily.. I love you
Emily.... *starts crying*
I don't know how to help.. *puts my head against the door*
Emily... I love you... *falls to the floor crying* *whispers to myself*
Emily stop!! please *cries harder*
I can't do this.. I'm leaving PC... Bye Emily 😔😓💔🌍
*holds you* y-yes?
*looks at you* I-I... I won't....…
*hugs you tightly and strokes your hair* I'm sorry, I truly am..
*kisses your cheek softly* Second chance? *smiles*
*smiles and wipes your tears* I love you❤️
I promise.. *smiles and kisses you*
okay.. *smiles*
What is it?
*holds you tightly*
*smiles* *slowly rubs your scars*
It's okay baby.. *kisses your forehead* I know you didn't mean it
I love you too.. *kisses your lips softly*
*giggles* It is..
no.. *smiles* I have my own..
only 2.. I have like 8..
yes 2!
*smiles* We will..!
awe thx.. Your perfect.. *giggles*
You are to me.. *smiles*
I love you more😍
*smiles* I have to go to Lunch.. I'll text you in about an hour and thirty minutes? bye baby
Sorry.. It took longer than I thought.. I had to go shopping😒 I HATE SHOPPING😂
I know *smiles at you* But I want to..
I loved that message❤️ You are worth it.. My sleep was amazing because I dreamt of you😘😌
😋😌 I bet you did u just don't remember😂
Yes.. Hold on 😘 (I'm a brunette btw)
😊 I am uglyyyy! (I just woke up😄🌝)
yes.. And it hurt like helllllll
😂😂 but it does! 😛 I guess maybe its different in ENGLAND
I want to.. But no one that I know lives there (besides you)
I will❤️ Do you think in like 5 years I'll have enough money?
*follows you into the bedroom and giggles*
*smiles* yay!
*turns to face you* I love you❤️🌹
*buries my head into your neck*
*kisses you back softly*
Are you sure you can stay up that late? *smirks and giggles*
I'm sorry! *giggles* I wont🙈
*smiles at you* what do you wanna do??
okay.. wanna watch a movie?
*laughs* Hey! No fair *grabs the nearest pillow and smacks you lightly with it*
*lays on top of you*
*smiles and smacks you with the pillow*
*smirks* What are you thinking about Ella?
*bites my lip* I know..
*kisses you*
*pulls away* Whats wrong em?
oh... *smiles*
No.. Why??
I haven't talked to anybody except you and someone named Amelia because I have no friends😂
I will ignore him😊😌
he is now 15
I have 1 brother and one sister.. My birthday is September 11. I have 5 pets, 2 clownfish named nemo and Martin, 1 dog named Mable, 2 cats named shadow and misty.. I really love fantasy and can be a bit weird at times.. I was born in London.. but then moved to AZ, USA when I was 11.. I don't really now what else to say..😂
Oh yeah My Sister is Marissa and she's 13
like.. a group account.. with ma siblings and one of my friends?
maybe a couple of ma friends..
no.. I just make it on this account
It'll be just us.. I'll ask them NOT to look..
at our comments
Thats why I asked you... *frowns*
*walks out of the house and screams* IM FÜĆKING TIRED OF THIS!!!!!! WHEN SOMETHING DOESNT FÜÇKING GO YOUR WAY YOU GET ANGRY.. WHY CANT I DO WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!! *a single year told down my cheek*
*stares at you in shock, falls to the floor sobbing*
*knocks on door* Emily?? *opens the door* I'm sorry.. I hope you can forgive me.. I just wish we could be perfect.. *a tear rolls down my face* You are perfect to me.. I love you Emily..
Maybe it's best I'm not in your life.. *grabs all my stuff and walks out the door*
I'm sorry Emily..
*turns around* Oh my god, EMILY!! *kneels down next to you*
Are you okay...?!
Why?? Whats wrong?!
*Hugs you* Your never gunna lose me, cos even tho I might leave.. I'll always come Back💗
I'm not gunna leave I just want my sibling to stop bugging me.. because they want to have a joint account with me😔 I'm sorry emily😌
I tried that believe me but when they really want something they won't stop bugging until they get it😒
I'm sorry Emily.. I can't believe I did that to you
I know they aren't fake
Can I have a joint account with them? (THEY KEEP BUGGING MEEE)
Halpp meeee
okay thank YOUU.. I gtg take a shower.. I'll comment when I'm done.. it should take like 15 mins?
I won't.. 😏😂 Love YOUUU
Hey Babyyy
Yay! 😛💘
What do you mean?
..Oh why is that
*smiles* same here.. I love you more though
Don't be, it's okay..
I won't happen anytime soon baby
*smiles* okay
*kisses you softly* I forgive you
You have to be able to forgive yourself em..
Idk how.. *looks down*
How can I help you?
But I do love someone like you.. It's you, who I'm in love with
It's okay
*giggles* That tickle sad
I love you💗
*smiles* I gtg😭 I have to go to the fair😓 I'm gunna miss you😖😥
idk like 3-4 hours.. My family loves the fair..
I'll try😊
I didn't work😢😪😥
Good Morning *kisses you* how are you?
*looks at you* Whats wrong??
*looks at you* awe.. I'm so sorry *hugs you*
I love you too
What are u sorry about?
It's okay.. I understand boo.. ❤️
I can talk all day today.. but not tomorrow. I have school.. We'll talk in the morning tomorrow tho..
Yes.. I am. they have wifi but pic collage is restricted..
😔 It'll be okay
what are you saying???
If you want to.... nvm..
*a single year rolls down my face* You deserve someone better..
*smiles faintly*
*sighs* I just wish I could do better
I feel like I can't do anything to help you.. we have HUGE time differences..
your on half of the day and I'm on half the day
*smiles faintly* I-I'll try
I do love you, I just don't know how this is going to work..
I-I don't know that *cries* *gets up and walks to the bedroom*
*hugs my knees* I'm s-sorry *cries silently* I'm trying
I really am
I'm trying to be perfect.. for you *buries my head in my knees*
*cries and lays on the floor*
Why Liana, why??? why are you not good enough why are you so fúčking stupid *cries and looks around the room
*continues crying* W-Who is it?
C..Come in.. *cries silently*
I-I'm in the bedroom *continues crying*
S-Sure you d-do.. *looks away*
*stops crying and kisses you* I'm sorry em..
*smiles faintly* I told you everything..
*laughs faintly, gets up and lays on the bed*
I'm not lieing baby..
I'm bored baby.. *kisses you*
*smirks* whatcha doing?
*moans softly*
*kisses you*
*bites lip*
*smirks and bites lip* you sure?
*moans lightly* okay then baby, carry on
ok love you.. I'll be thinking of you too 😘
Hey Babyyy
Awe *kisses you* Thanks BabyGirl
No it's not true!! I'm sorry.. I'm here now❤️
I'm sorry..
I missed you too.. ❤️
*a tear rolls down my cheek* I'm sorry I really am. My brother has b-been I-I-n the hospital f-for the-the *cries even more* past week..
I couldn't find anytime where I wasn't worried about him dieing, or you leaving me.. I can't even talk about him in the hospital, it hurts me..
I wanted to tell you, I honestly did.. I just didn't have wifi