Scrapbooked #1 -- Barriss!



Scrapbooked #1 -- Barriss! #featuremyfandom

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I love this Barriss edit
You're a junior in high school!?!?! I thought everyone on here was between the ages of 8-13! a Well this is awesome! No wonder you seemed so mature! 😄 tbh you're more mature than me lol
Right? The younger kids are great, but it's nice to know people your own age too 😄 tbh, graduation was really sad 😩 I was like "oh my gosh, I'm leaving, I'm leaving forever!"
If that makes sense 😂
Lol haha I just realized I had a dream about graduating and that's why I talked about it in past tense...😂😂😂😂 OMG I'm literally freaking out, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME IM CONFUSING REALITY WITH MY DREAMS
😂😂😂 you must've been so confused! Sorry, I'm so stressed that I mixed up reality with my dream graduation....I'm going insane