hey i know most of you think nobody loves you, but i do, i love you very much, and if that's not enough for you, then i can tell you everyday that i love love love you you you🍃


hey i know most of you think nobody loves you, but i do, i love you very much, and if that's not enough for you, then i can tell you everyday that i love love love you you you🍃

21 0
:") I really needed this, life's been a shîtstorm
re@poetry//there wouldn't be a ton to criticize, but go right on ahead if you'd like
*huggles* I love love love love you you you too >u<
everyone's being a jerk to me today and I'm scared that I'm going to fail my two tests tomorrow and final average grades are due next Friday and if I fail I'll feel stupid and my mom won't be really pleased
it was mainly my dad... but everything is ok now?¿? idk... I just want to go to sleep forever and never wake up
I've been having dreams that I became best friends with my classmates and we were hugging and poking and playing with each other
how does one dream about their otp, I can't even dream about anime in general
because I have a not so secret secrets crush on alfie and he's a cutie AaHHh
I see what u did there, m8. lol yeah sure.
1. Spain 2. Alfryyyyyy 3. Iggz 4. Canadia 5. Prussia 6. rOoshuh
baka. baka hi.
ok so I was outta state and I was like "oh my god this will be perfect for a story. that'll be secretly about my crush and I"
👍🏻 for yuri
oh, and, how tall r u?
ok wow you are short;;
but I am too sO.
no really
2 of my friends are 5"7.
I'm 5"5