Private page for me and naughty_girl


Private page for me and naughty_girl

16 0
sister sister ?
k you start
come here you can sleep with me
*starts to play with your hair*
your so pretty
I can't wait to turn 20
*strokes lips*
your lips*
ya *kisses forehead*
your forehead (me stupid)
is it hot in here to you
*takes of shirt* better
ya but not all the way *takes of all clothes* way better
now I'm cold do you know a very nice way to get warm
body warmth
not quite *lays you on top of me*
*straps on*
do you know what this is
good *goes into you*
*sucks your tips*
*goes in agin and agin*
pleasure *goes in faster*
baby girl your turn *hands it to you*
*lays down ready*
*groans* baby girl!
baby! *sucks your nips*
ohhhhh goes down to i between your legs
sticks finger up vàg and licks clean*
*sticks tong up your vàg*
baby girl stop *hold you* and starts to kiss you everywhere*
*goes into you faster until you cûm * *sucks your bôôbš * *gropes you*
k sis you got to go mom will here is