


18 3
hi what are you doing
not much what about you
same but it takes me a will to chat back because I can't get on it at school I have to do it at home so what school do you go to
follow my brother hunterbarnard
hmm so Ariana granda what grade are you in
what's up I'm his brother
so I guess he's here yeah ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
you got that right😆
I go to Sattler Cristian Collage and I'm in grade 7 and I don't really like Ariana granda someone just made me an icon with her on it.
and hi hunter barnard
ok I go to palmetto middle school and I'm in 6th grade do you like marvel
what country do live in
sup Ariana
what is your name but if you don't feel comfortable just tell me a nickname that I can call you by
k what took you so long to chat
it's ok well the other person that as chating was my brother now he can't cause some one hacked his profile so he's not able to get on
do you wanna see something cool like a giant spam of words