Happy birthday Ceri! Yes, me and Saku used the same pngs ((we secretly "planned" it)) but yeah happy 16th!!! We're twins!!! :333


Happy birthday Ceri! Yes, me and Saku used the same pngs ((we secretly "planned" it)) but yeah happy 16th!!! We're twins!!! :333

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i couldn't see it when yew remixed meh but it looks aMAZING XD
^ really??!! awey thanks :3
hehe *hugs*
I'm officially torn between Maki-chan and Kotori oh no
aww thank you! ><
@Ceri I'm really glad you like it! :333
I finished yours!! I hope it's what you wanted!!
When I saw your icon I literally freaked like OH SHET ITS DA ITALIAN AMERICAN JAPANESE WAIFU
^ yasss she's my third favorite XD
^ oh really? ahh thanks >_<
NALU is bæ
it's not NaLu, it was for a friend
I don't ship it anyways
*slowly starting to scream* fairyTAIL