"I'd rather walk with my friends in the dark than walk alone in the light."


"I'd rather walk with my friends in the dark than walk alone in the light." —theQUOTEmaker

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Thanks for following me!!😊😊Can u plz help me get to 600 followers??🙏🙏That would be great if u could!!😋😋Also.... I have a contest that u could enter and win!!😝😝There will be a 1st 2nd and a 3rd place winner!!❤️❤️It ends April 30th or May 1st so better enter soon!!😘😘
ok i'll try to help you and i will enter the contest😊😊
when I look at this collage I see a face not in a bad way but in a good inspiring way
tysm for the follow, your acc is so good
Congrats!!! u have won 2nd place in my contest!! Great job!! The prizes r a shoutout and a spam of likes!!
that is soooooo good and anyway how do u get soooo many likes and followers?
plz enter my #contest
I love it!!!!💙
so if all your friends decided to jump off a bridge and plummet to certain death, would you follow them?
your collage is very creative and well made, did you come up with it yourself?
if were me though, I would rather walk in the light alone 😂 but that's just my opinion 😂
this quote is SO TRUE!