Guys... woody (the only rat left) got extremely ill. The vet advised me to find a cage mate so... to welcome into the family are 2 baby dumbo rats. My rat is oscar which is only 7 weeks old and my sisters is Alvin 12 weeks old. My mum told me to let my si


Guys... woody (the only rat left) got extremely ill. The vet advised me to find a cage mate so... to welcome into the family are 2 baby dumbo rats. My rat is oscar which is only 7 weeks old and my sisters is Alvin 12 weeks old. My mum told me to let my si

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aww😪 illy
Hopefully they'll be okay💕
aww that's so cute hope woody learns to like oscar!❤️
cool very cool and funny 😂
how is that funny^
seriously do you read what I actually post or are you just saying it's funny to pîss me off
she means what she post😡