This is bullying now I'm depression :(


•KAcHiCkA• This is bullying now I'm depression :(

17 0
what's bullying
All of this
Minus the middle one
the middle one is just truth
you deserve depressed 😤🙄 kys !! don't stay alive |-|
Maybe I will!!!! 🤑😂👌🏻💫🔥
hobi isn't cute,milky is 😂💕🙄
Binch insult me all you want but don't come near my hobi. lanky wise is a ugly emo I bet he cutes himself 😫😭😂👏🏻💦
obvs,he's cutes 😂💕💋
hobbit is uglie like **sten
Okay right this is just a whole other level of disrespect like being ironic fine but hoW FXCKING DARE YOU COMPARE AN ACTUAL LIVING LEGEND TO A FXCKING SNAKE LIKE ****** ******?? Sorry but Hobby HATES SNAKEU so ur comparisin is shīt try again sweatie 😤😤👏🏻
hobbit and AWSTEN KNIGHT are the same 🖕😂🙄
Ik im late BUT yass 🖕🙄💕