Me (Kate) is Jane The Killer and Keely is the CreepyPasta character named Zero, we love each other a lot, we plan on getting married, raising two daughters and spend forever and ever with each other


Me (Kate) is Jane The Killer and Keely is the CreepyPasta character named Zero, we love each other a lot, we plan on getting married, raising two daughters and spend forever and ever with each other

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I'm back, Princess.
What do you think about this post❀️
Idk I think it's kinda weird with the creepypasta.
The reason why I made it like that cause on the CreepyPasta post , your username is on Zero and mine is on Jane The Killer
Oh. But you put Scarecrow and some other chick at the bottom x3
I thought it was zero
and Jane The Killer
Oh. Lol <3
Kate, I told my mum that I don't want to go to the theme park tomorrow and she told me it's already been paid for :c
I'm really sad about it.
*Tears up* Me too
Let's talk about something else for now then.
*Hugs* Ok, Keely can you hold me
*Holds you*
I think last night's video chat was my favourite.
It was my favorite too
You looked so happy when you brought out my new gift and it was amazing.
I was very happy❀️
And thank you❀️
So? <3